Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


Registered Member
So because I stated one shouldn't be a blind Houthi bootlicker, you are suddenly assuming I am either an Indian or Taiwanese?
I personally don't have any problems with both you and my bestie @Petrolicious88 for having different point of views on China related topics and issues. It's good to have differing opinions presented on a very important subjects that affect us all in both tangible and intangible ways.


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And many of my replies to @Petrolicious88 were deleted as well.

I'll just say that if one feels western media is always truthful, then I've got a bridge of supermicro to sell to them.

Some here are so adamant to cope for US power, that any mistakes the US makes excuses as "deliberate".

Sure US intelligence may have the inside to the Iranian leadership but that doesn't mean the media Reuters report is truthful. Taking some reports as deliberate and other reports as factual truth is the same selective bias and they claim others are guilty of, reeks of hypocrisy.


Registered Member
It's selective bias to quote western media when it suits the narratives, and then call them propaganda when it doesn't.
Broken clocks and all that and one doesn't exclude the other. Like when they ran every piece of fudd and bs claim about Libya and then push out teary eyed op ed-pieces of the humanitarian disaster it is now and how all the information(including one they themselves pushed to justify it) was actually false. But the damage is done and no one is going to jail them for their involvement.

How about provide better access of water, food, medicine and develop the economy.

Work on your own country before fighting for the Palestinians.

I don't know, you'd think Saudi Arabia bombing, starving and blockading them for over 10 years to the point of still suffering one of the worst famines in decades has something to do with it

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Blockade supported by Israel and the US. So they know what the Palestinians are going through. That "fuck you until I get mine" attitude is very western as well, and one of the reason why it is going down the shitter, don't know anything about solidarity or empathy.

Those are deliberate attempts of regime change. Not intelligence failure.
They aren't mutually exclusive.

I do find it interesting you are so hellbent on going to bat for a country that sees no problem on debating the merit of raping prisoners and civilians on live public TV.
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The crucial part of this is if Iran final strikes back after all the abuse the Israelis have hit them with. Israel has never once been hit with a real humble pie and have continued to commit evil after evil without being punished. Israel may have gotten away with everything for many decades but there is always a time when luck finally runs out. I wonder what Israel will look like as a collective when they finally suffer for once, it will be an eye opener. The thing is this time, we have seen what Israel is capable of in terms of air defence and offensive capability but have we seen what Iran can truly do and also, does Iran have a calendar of when they will hit because Israel did cross a very big red line this time, just a small rehearsal will not be remotely enough
We know from human psychology what happens psychopaths start to lose at their game - they get even more psychotic, violent and irrational. Not just psychopaths but also normal humans who lack mental sophistication (i.e. actively developed morals, boundaries, attitudes, etc) - they become irrational, making more stupid mistakes (i.e. US today). These act as coping mechanisms. In other words, Israel will become bolder in mass murder and increase the magnitude of it's crimes. Really wouldn't be surprised if they resorted to nukes.
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while it's true that the assassination of Ismail happened in Iran however not a single Iranian was killed or wounded. therefore I highly doubt that Iran would respond in a way that killes Israelis. the Iranian response this time will probably look like the last one. they will fire missiles and drones to demonstrate their ability to penetrate Israeli defenses and at best maybe take out one or two aircrafts. however Hezbolah is the one that will likely retaliate more harshly.
In Islamic culture, if you are hosting a guest, you are his servant, responsible for him, and literally go out of your way to treat him like a king. It's a huge part of the Islamic etiquette and rampant in Islamic countries, even among the non-religious folk. So if a guest gets killed in your home, it is actually considered worse than having one of your own people killed; it's a massive black stain on your name and extremely offensive. And Persians, I've seen, have the highest form of etiquette and commitment to it, including among the anti-Islamic Persians living in the West.

And the history of Yemen is filled with corruption, nepotism, coups, civil wars. Haven't seen evidence of how the Houthis are any different than the previous groups. Fighting against zionism gives them some legitimacy. How about provide better access of water, food, medicine and develop the economy.

Work on your own country before fighting for the Palestinians.
Work on your own country before fighting for anyone else. Work hard and while you're working, have your work destroyed by Zionists. Then work hard again and wait for it to get destroyed again but never ever resist or target the Zionist directly. Because God forbid, the Zionist might lose his ability to steal.

This is exactly the tactic that Europeans used in their colonies: work hard until we loot the fruit of your labor and destroy your livelihood, but don't ever, EVER resist us directly.


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Why was my response to @MortyandRick deleted.

And many of my replies to @Petrolicious88 were deleted as well.

Guys just stop with the pointless bickering and replies to each other. Rule #6 on the first page makes it clear regarding this type of escalatory back and fourth. If you guys want to continue debating, take it off this thread with private messages.

I also reiterated this in my previous mod post that escalatory comments with the words “you” will be deleted because it’s a precursor to a personal attack.
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During this interview between Judge Napolitano & Colonel Douglas Macgregor, they talk about an operation where 70 IDF and Americans recently tried to sneak into Yemen, got ambushed and killed. Macgregor even mentions videos showing the dead bodies. I tried to look it up but nothing came up. Has this been talked about here?



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During this interview between Judge Napolitano & Colonel Douglas Macgregor, they talk about an operation where 70 IDF and Americans recently tried to sneak into Yemen, got ambushed and killed. Macgregor even mentions videos showing the dead bodies. I tried to look it up but nothing came up. Has this been talked about here?

I would be very careful about believing every word this gentleman says.