Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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Israeli forces to shift toward Lebanese border – Netanyahu​

Israeli troops are poised to shift toward the country’s border with Lebanon to confront Hezbollah as the fighting against Hamas in the Gaza Strip winds down, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has revealed.

Speaking on Sunday in his first Israeli television interview since the war with Hamas started last October, Netanyahu said major combat operations in the Palestinian enclave are nearly over. “It doesn’t mean that the war is about to end, but the war in its intense phase is about to end in Rafah,” he added. “This is true. We will continue mowing the grass all the time.”

With many of the troops in Gaza being freed up, the prime minister said, Israeli units will “face north.” The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) will be redeployed to the border region, where exchanges of rocket fire with Hezbollah have intensified in recent weeks. Israeli residents of the region have been evacuated since the war with Hamas began over eight months ago.

“We will have the possibility to shift some of the power north, and we will do it – first of all, for protection purposes, and secondly, to bring our residents home,” Netanyahu told Israel’s Channel 14 TV. “If we can, we will do this diplomatically. If not, we will do it another way, but we will bring all of them home.”

Rising tensions between West Jerusalem and Hezbollah have stoked US fears that Israel will trigger a wider war in the Middle East, dragging in American forces. Netanyahu dismissed such concerns, saying, “We can fight on several fronts, and we are prepared to do that.”
“We will have the possibility to shift some of the power north, and we will do it – first of all, for protection purposes, and secondly, to bring our residents home,” Netanyahu told Israel’s Channel 14 TV. “If we can, we will do this diplomatically. If not, we will do it another way, but we will bring all of them home.”
Netanyahu dismissed such concerns, saying, “We can fight on several fronts, and we are prepared to do that.”


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Clearly Netanyahu has gone power mad with no checks in place to stop him. I wonder, something I note is similar with Netanyahu and Zelensky is that both of them seem to be in bad situations and both have a strange sense that they are invincible to consequences as of now. I wonder how long that will last


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Out of all the zionists, they are by the far the most sad and cringe Zionists.
Doesn't matter either way, Chinese don't do victim game if anything you actually lose respect by acting like a crybaby.

Western thinking: "He suffered a lot in the past, Let's give him lots of freebies to make up for it"

Chinese thinking: "You suffered because your ancestors were incompetent so why are you shaming them further by bringing out dirty laundry in public again, Don't you have any filial piety?"

Zionists don't get this fundamental difference between Guilt vs Shame driven cultures.


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It is the vision still trapped in Desert Storm. But the US really didn't want to solve the problem, because the military is clearly aware that to solve the Houthis' problem is to land on land and that has a political/financial cost, in addition to the diplomatic cost.
Can China defeat the Houthi in Yemen? Hypothetically speaking.