Let's put the 4 pillars in practical terms.
A: propaganda to amplify might
B: intel
C: preemptive strike
D: total destruction (of enemy capability to fight)
Neither seems helpful now. They lost C, they are only on reaction. D is all thats left on the playbook.
This is a typical playbook of a regime that only considers grand victory, never consequnce of failure. There is no deescalation, damage control, preserverence. Only "If I gamble more I can turn this around". Very similar WWII Japan and Germany.
Whats in for D? Escalate for total destruction of enemy? Enemy will do the same to them! Why would enemy return to status quo if Israel fail, just so Israel can try total destruction again? Israel caused severe damage to their home, should they let Israel go home intact to rebuild with advantage? The logical conclusion is for victor to somehow disarm the aggressor for "total destruction", militarily and economically.
Here is why total destruction is stupid. If they lose, the consequence is severe. So it better have very high certainty of success. But if they have strength for high chance of total success, there is no need to escalate into total destruction in first place. Enemy will either not initiate, or back off after initial failure. So the reality is total destruction is only relevant when chance of success is not high. This is what makes it stupid. They are gambling fate of nation on a war of high difficulty, high consequence of failure. Reward for winning is mediocre at best.
In conclusion, Israel didnt think this through, and refuse to. This is a reciepe for disaster. If Israel go for D, it better have total victory, or risk severe punishment. The catch is it is impossible without many years of high intensity combat. Something Israel never had experience of. It was always a series of short but intense combat, or long but low intensity anti terror mission. This is something they did not prepare for. If they try for this option they will find out the hard way what total war actually is.
Most country avoid total war for very good reasons, to say the least.