Gun shots were fired at the rescuers (I mean we can hear it) and I highly doubt that the Hamas soldier was missing his shots or something. I suspect some of the rescuers were hit and that is why they left their colleague however it's not like a soldier just immediatly falls on the ground if he is shot, not every shot goes to the heart or the spine or the head.
In this situation the Hamas guys were probably just aiming at the center of the target and not the head or something.
There's also at least 2 cuts/edits in the video where time was skipped.
In the first time-skip if you pay attention to that sign/horizontal cloth thing (IDK how else to describe it) there are 2 holes present in it that are not there
before the time skip. Right when the first IDF guy stopped moving.
It could also be that you couldn't see those holes earlier because the video was not zoomed in/bad quality, but the fact that there is a time skip tells me that either nothing happened and Hamas decided to save time or they did fire upon the rescuers but with no good results.
Just off the top of my head I can think of several reasons why they could've willingly choose not to engage other than no more ammo left or the return fire was suppressing them.
1) Good 'snipers' (no, Hamas for all its impressiveness does not have
true snipers...those are hard to make but we can use this term for now for the sake of simplicity) sometimes know not to engage too often because their task is to waste the enemy's time/slow them down just enough for someone else on the other side of...wherever to accomplish something else.
2) Sounded like they might have been fumbling with their weapons a bit...possible weapon malfunction of some kind?
3) War is not something anyone gets real practice in until the real thing happens. They may have just not been proactive enough to pursue a good chance to eliminate more enemies when they had it.
On a different note. I've been watching some of the Israeli channel's stuff, and they show some very different things. It's easier if I show you guys.
But in Israel's self-released footage there's quite a bit of infantry walking around, and by vehicles too. Meanwhile in literally
all of the Hamas vehicle engagement videos there's no screening or dismounted infantry. This is quite different.
I'm having trouble discerning what's the truth.
Logically, it's probably a combination of both, but I can't help but notice that the Israeli footage shows what's essentially like a Hollywood movie-teaser trailer where it's just a 1, 2, maybe 3 seconds of footage and then moves on. None of that footage show visible enemies/Hamas. Meanwhile, Hamas is (obviously) more than happy to show the exact window that an Israeli fireteam was standing in front of when they put an RPG into it.
Combine this with the fact that Israel seems to be releasing names/pictures of dead soldiers only 2 at a time and it tells me that this operation is not going as smoothly as possible.
Oh and can we get a military dog handler or someone similar to answer why they're using military dogs in situations like Gaza? In U.S. miltary, at least, it's typically more for
capturing somebody alive (HVT/HVI) than operations like Gaza where, let's just call a spade a spade here...kill everything that moves. So why bring dogs? I'm at a genuine loss here.
Also, I don't think the Israelis realize this, but when they are releasing those names and actually kinda looks bad for them. Because a lot of those guys are officers or senior enlisted men, and some of them are company commanders in armored units.
The implication here that I'm seeing is that Hamas is somehow able to discern with some pretty impressive accuracy which tanks are the commanders' tanks or the platoon sergeants' and which ones are just lower level guys. Combine this with Hamas' footage which shows them not only engaging at extreme close intervals with armor, but also just straight up EA-Battlefield-Style putting exposives like I do with the engineer class in that game with the bags of C4 except in real onto Israeli tanks and that tells me that either Hamas has luck the likes of which they can bankrupt Vegas with just by playing Roulette or that Hamas is able to do some kind of reconnaisance or observation prior to engagement or that losses for Israel is MUCH worse than what they're letting on.
I suppose if Israel is not following basic military combat zone rules such as knowing that you shouldn't salute in a combat zone (watch who salutes who and eventually you'll figure out who's the senior most guy) then this could possibly explain why Hamas is able to target officers and senior NCOs like that.