Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)

james smith esq

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Nothing will happen, they're literally target killing journalist families and owning it on tv, not even an ounce of outrage in the west. They could very well use the chemical weapons and pin it on Hamas, like the hospital attack. What will the neighborus do? Sissi is practically a CIA asset at this point. Jordan doesnt have the means, Syria is already gg, Lebanon is probably poorer than Palestinians. Israel could nuke Gaza tomorrow and the world will do nothing.
As I said a month back...
My expectation is that, after the world sat back and, silently, observed the ethnic-cleansing of Armenians by Azerbaijan, we will, in this conflict, in fact, witness a genocidal campaign against Palestinians that will be met with like silence.
Later, I adjusted this position to say...
There’ll be a lot of posturing and lip-service, but the world will stand-by and do nothing!
Israel has Carte Blanche and even, ‘tough-guy‘, Putin feels compelled to accommodate Israel.
All in all, these sum-up, pretty-much, what we will witness.

My, unrealistic, hope is that Kim Jong-Un wakes-up one morning and decides to make a bold demonstration!
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The west not caring is far from the same as the world not caring.

The thing about chemical weapons is that they are not that hard or expensive to produce. The basic chemistry is basically public knowledge now, and even cults and terrorist groups can make them in basic labs.

The only thing stopping nation states from making and stockpiling them are the consequences. Consequences that will be largely erased if Israel uses them in Gaza and gets away with it.

After Israeli’s neighbours have all armed with chemical weapons to achieve effective deterrence against possible Israeli chemical weapons attacks, what is Israel going to do if they extend said deterrence to also cover Israeli nuclear attack? Gas them after they nuke them?

Israeli use of chemical weapons in Gaza will be an own goal of biblical proportions.
The behaviour of the Israelis such as demanding the UN secretary General resign (despite the current sitting UN secretary General being an American asset) only makes sense when you consider that Israeli zionists consider themselves the master race and view non Jews as slaves and human cattle for their own free use and exploitatio. That’s why they get upset when the human cattle speaks out against them and defies them and refuses to give them privilege to genocide what the Israeli zionists call “Palestinian human animals”.

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US marines arrive in Israel. Really outs into perspective the meme last week about drafting millennials and zoomers into war….


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Chinese representative counters the Israeli rep's accusations:

The comment section has been supportive of China's Permanent Ambassador to the U.N. rebuttal to the highly emotional, and confrontational speech put forth by the Israeli Ambassador. It appears that Israel wants to browbeat anyone and any country into adopting their stance on this tragedy or risks getting or becoming the enemy of the country and people favored by their God. That's why I do question how could and would God favour one ethnic group over the rest of his creation, and under what conditions were they chosen? But mortals like myself can't question or forward such question because I can't simply fathom what an omnipotent and omniscient being that sees everything from beginning to infinity.

Israel and the Christian zealots act with certitude and impunity based on their Supreme confidence that they're cause are just and comes from God. They act like spoiled children who's been told of their greatness to an almost infallible degree that it swolled up their heads to the point that they can never be told no and no more.


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The comment section has been supportive of China's Permanent Ambassador to the U.N. rebuttal to the highly emotional, and confrontational speech put forth by the Israeli Ambassador. It appears that Israel wants to browbeat anyone and any country into adopting their stance on this tragedy or risks getting or becoming the enemy of the country and people favored by their God. That's why I do question how could and would God favour one ethnic group over the rest of his creation, and under what conditions were they chosen? But mortals like myself can't question or forward such question because I can't simply fathom what an omnipotent and omniscient being that sees everything from beginning to infinity.

Israel and the Christian zealots act with certitude and impunity based on their Supreme confidence that they're cause are just and comes from God. They act like spoiled children who's been told of their greatness to an almost infallible degree that it swolled up their heads to the point that they can never be told no and no more.
From my perspective, the moment that the Jews executed Jesus is the moment that the Jews are no longer immune from the Consequences and are just as likely to lose the Mandate of Heaven as the next civilization. I mean even before that, they have always had a history of being extremely arrogant to the point of ridiculousness and having to be chastised from God only to repeat this over and over again even during the time of kings when they did almost wiped out during the Babylonian era. I mean it’s why I mentioned before that they have already been driven from The land of Canaan twice before and now it looks like they are eventually going to be driven from there yet again in The near future. Sure they seem to be invincible from the consequences at the moment but most of there power if not all of it is correlated with how strong the USA is right now and it’s downfall is an unfortunately slow process of the rest of the free world.

Before now, the world cannot do much but now that the USA is at its weakest it has ever been, we are seeing many nations starting to turn how ever slowly against this childish narrative the Jews have been operating on for decades and once the USA finally weak enough, I wouldn’t want to be a Jew in the coming decade, having billions of Muslims against how many Jews world wide, is going to be a horrible experience and the general weight of the world I bet you isn’t going to give a damn about them no matter how much the media tries to portray them Because really, most people in general do not truly love them at their baby like behavior to the world and those so call freaks in the US Oval Office can only protect them so much before things even screw up to the point where they can no longer handwave things any more
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james smith esq

Senior Member
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The comment section has been supportive of China's Permanent Ambassador to the U.N. rebuttal to the highly emotional, and confrontational speech put forth by the Israeli Ambassador. It appears that Israel wants to browbeat anyone and any country into adopting their stance on this tragedy or risks getting or becoming the enemy of the country and people favored by their God. That's why I do question how could and would God favour one ethnic group over the rest of his creation, and under what conditions were they chosen? But mortals like myself can't question or forward such question because I can't simply fathom what an omnipotent and omniscient being that sees everything from beginning to infinity.

Israel and the Christian zealots act with certitude and impunity based on their Supreme confidence that they're cause are just and comes from God. They act like spoiled children who's been told of their greatness to an almost infallible degree that it swolled up their heads to the point that they can never be told no and no more.
As such, there will, ultimately, be only be one way to deal with them; I, sincerely, hope that Chinese decision-makers truly appreciate this!