ISIS/ISIL conflict in Syria/Iraq (No OpEd, No Politics)


It's like we couldn't do it's the military's bound by strict rules of engagement to limit civilian casualties I posted a while back about some B52s flying over raqqa looks like Mr
Putin listened wish I could take credit for that by the putin"ism sounds like what we need to implement over here good policy to me
Just unloading bombs over a city of 400 000 people will not drive away those Daesh leaders and families. The attacks on them must have been pretty accurate and were probably executed with cruise missiles. Those bomb loads were probably released on oil installations and larger military objects.


Junior Member
Just unloading bombs over a city of 400 000 people will not drive away those Daesh leaders and families. The attacks on them must have been pretty accurate and were probably executed with cruise missiles. Those bomb loads were probably released on oil installations and larger military objects.
Not disagreeing one bit but if I remember the Taliban were not happy when the big guys showed up and even less happy after they left we could have done that a long time ago and the northern alliance and our own ground forces didn't mind them at just as I'm sure the Kurds and other allies would either


Not disagreeing one bit but if I remember the Taliban were not happy when the big guys showed up and even less happy after they left we could have done that a long time ago and the northern alliance and our own ground forces didn't mind them at just as I'm sure the Kurds and other allies would either
The Russians wouldn't want casualties among the civilian population and say they are proud to be more careful than US in this respect. They point to the recent attack on the Kunduz hospital as an example of how not to act.


Junior Member
I here you man my understanding was that was a revenge for the hospital treatment of Taliban don't know but a sad event none the less havent really heard what the official explanation was


Junior Member
But it's a fact that in combat operations civilian casualties are inevitable no one has ever figured out a way to identify civilian from combatant from ten or twenty thousand feet


I here you man my understanding was that was a revenge for the hospital treatment of Taliban don't know but a sad event none the less havent really heard what the official explanation was
Revenge for the hospital treatment of enemy warriors is a war crime. I hope they have a less insane explanation. If it is a war crime the guilty ones will have to be prosecuted.


Junior Member
The way I understand it was the government forces who told the US commanders which in turn called in the air strikes hope that's not the case and it was some kind of technological mechanical issues


Junior Member
Has anyone head about the Iraq front is going heard somewhere Isis is retreating out of Raqqa to get away trim the air assault wonders if that's true if Russia will follow or whether they just concentrate on Syria


Junior Member
if isis army is big enough, they (isis) can hardly ignore a huge military camp just north of their capital (yellow perimeter) for a number (of obvious) reasons.
which is exactly the target for a carpet bombing.
space and air recc are enough to provide credible info in this case.

targets like command, control, communications, intel sites within the city are small enough and require agents on the ground and precision weapons, like cruise msls or guided bombs.
