Well, General Greene was a key figure in leading the effort to train the Afghan army. He was actually not on the front lines when killed. Rather, he and others were outside of a training academy in Afghanistan when a lone gunman opened fire on Greene and others when from about 100 yards away.For the record the highest ranking officer lost in operations was Lt. Gen Greene in Afghanistan other then him it's a Rarity to find a US casualty ranked higher than Lieutenant Colonel
The shooter was an Afghan solider at the academy who hid in a bathroom nearby with a machine gun before opening fire. Seventeen were wounded, including a German General and two Afghan generals..
Before General Greene, the last time a US General Officer was killed as a result of enemy action was Lt Gen Timothy Maude who was killed when Flight crashed into the Pentagon on 911.
Before that, again, due to enemy action, it was Major Gen John Albert B Dillard who was killed during the Vietnam War when his helicopter was shot down in 1970.
Anyhow...this is all OT. dtusla, please try and remain on topic and not side track the threads.