However, this is more the reality of Isil
Islamic State seen stoning a man to death who was charged with being “Homosexual” in the front of civilians east of Homs
Picture: Kurdistan News
Islamic State fighters in a show of force in the Syrian city of Raqqah, which became their defacto headquarters in the country in 2013. Effectively a safe haven for the group, it is to here that many young volunteers both male and female - including Britons - are lured by online recruiters.
Picture: AP
The Islamic State's harsh interpretation of sharia law includes severe penalties for adultery and homosexuality. Here, a man suspected of homosexuality is thrown from the building of a roof in Raqqah. Afterwards his body was stoned.
Picture: Elijah J Magnier
The Islamic State is also trying to establish outposts in other Arab nations. In Libya, an IS cell announced its presence in January by issuing a video showing the beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians who had been kidnapped from Colonel Gaddafi's home city of Sirte. They had been living there as guest workers.
Picture: Rex
When the Islamic State carried out its take-over of northern Iraq in June 2014, Iraq's army proved unable to stop them. Many captured soldiers were summarily executed. The Islamic State views Iraq's mainly Shia Muslim army as a tool of neighbouring Iran.
Picture: Welayat Salahuddin via AFP
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