That's why I am on these boards. Gives me some perspective on how its people think.
The more I learn, the more I understand why free speech and social media are so restricted in PRC. The CCP toppled one extractive system, only to replace it with another in different guise.
But PRC is reaching the limits of trade fueled growth. Given the recent trade frictions, that road is getting narrower and narrower. That's why they're trying to build a new one with OBOR. The jury is still out on that. I am afraid that to maintain economic growth they will have to transition towards a consumption economy. But that will require wealth transfers from the rich and successfull to the less privileged ones. Who is going to incentivize the elites to do that, when the same elites hold the political power?
Ok. Max.
I appreciate you want to learn. I'm more than ok with that. But in order to learn. one has to dump the baggage that came with their pre-existing view of China.
Many of these views are mot only out of date. But are some are very bias, and some are just propoganda!
Most Europeans pre-conceived view of China is one straight out of the Orwellian 1984 and animal farm. This I'm sure it's to do with the constant stream of anti-China/CCP propoganda pursued by the MSM.
Let me tell you about my own experiences. Back in the eighties at the height of the cold war. My wife and u decided to travel into eastern Europe by car!
We were warned by friends snd family not to do it as we might not be able to return! (Such was the histeria surrounding anything beyond the "iron curtain").
we ignored all advice and travelled to Hungary, and Yougoslavia.
Sure, at the borders, their were fences as far as the eye can see. Their were even machine gun turrets. The border guards were expressionless and looked mean! (We were thinking what have we got ourselves into)!
But once we got pass the borders, we were able yo travel anywhere we please. We were expecting the KGB or whoever to follow us and impead our progress!
But non of this happened. And the people we meet were just like you and me. All going about their business! So we learned alot during thar trip.
The point I tried to make (and I'm concerncise of the fact I'm going off topic.please bear with me). Is that you need to travel to China and experience China for yourself.
You can however, start off by going to our very own forum to see our very own BD popeye posting the every day life in China under the "china daily photos" .
You can see for yourself that people in China are all going about their daily life that's no different to you and me!
So please don't believe all those Orwellian views from the western MSM!