I have an idea to increase activity. Perhaps as a subforum of the Members Club Room we could have a less strict forum for political discussion and military discussion that might otherwise be barred. We could even do it in the structure of a debate, like the "Fight Club" forum at Abovetopsecret.
As for why the pace of posting has slowed, I think it's because there really isn't much to talk about. There haven't been too many big PLA developments lately, and the number of people here who really have the technical knowledge to talk about those things anyway is somewhat limited, I know that I don't know enough about the technical side of things to really question what people like TPhuang, crobato and planeman say. We've done a lot of the vs. scenarios to death (how many discussions have there been on here about the ability of Chinese ballistic missles to take out ROCAF airfields, to name a favorite). The last "big" thread, IIRC was the Georgiz-Russia war thread (which I started :nana
. There isn't a constant flow of crisises to give this forum its best and most interesting discussion: a reasoned, incredibly professional analysis of an ongoing war/crisis. This site is where I turned in the 2006 Israel-Lebanon war, I turned here in the Georgia War, and I will continue to do so in all future wars.
Also, with the start of the school year in the US, a lot of our younger members have less time to spread.