Is SDF passing away???

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Thanks for the input gents..I just like our forum so much I don't want to start it to wither away. I'm concerned. That's all.

Keep posting!!


Senior Member
I continue to visit & read posts here many times daily without posting/logging in. The info posted here is still very good & I find it useful for me to learn/listen here than talk. :)

Maybe mods can look at stats of visits without logging in from both members/non-members & they'll find the number is not bad after all.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
I continue to visit & read posts here many times daily without posting/logging in. The info posted here is still very good & I find it useful for me to learn/listen here than talk. :)

Maybe mods can look at stats of visits without logging in from both members/non-members & they'll find the number is not bad after all.

For once Schumacher..I agree with you. Many people visit here but do not post regulary. I may be the only one that checks those stats. .

For instance two of the most popular thread are my US and World military pics..and I'm the sole person posting there.

Keep posting! & thanks for your input.


Lieutenant General
A few days ago I was the only one in the forum myself. I wasn't logged in but I saw there were no members and only one guest which I believed was me.

Given the tight closed nature of the PRC, there's not as much military information of interest out there for public consumption. It seems only a handful of people in here can discern information on the internet that may have credibility. Everyone else (myself included) posts what can only be categorized as speculation with what the PLA may or may not be doing. Speculation in here seems to bring down the hammer. So if only a few in here can contribute information with some level of credibility and speculation is discouraged, there may be less traffic.

As for bringing political discussions... it's either keep it the way it is now or let there be no holds barred with the exception for the standard name-calling, racist and/or abusive language. It's all or none to make it fair.

Finn McCool

Registered Member
I have an idea to increase activity. Perhaps as a subforum of the Members Club Room we could have a less strict forum for political discussion and military discussion that might otherwise be barred. We could even do it in the structure of a debate, like the "Fight Club" forum at Abovetopsecret.

As for why the pace of posting has slowed, I think it's because there really isn't much to talk about. There haven't been too many big PLA developments lately, and the number of people here who really have the technical knowledge to talk about those things anyway is somewhat limited, I know that I don't know enough about the technical side of things to really question what people like TPhuang, crobato and planeman say. We've done a lot of the vs. scenarios to death (how many discussions have there been on here about the ability of Chinese ballistic missles to take out ROCAF airfields, to name a favorite). The last "big" thread, IIRC was the Georgiz-Russia war thread (which I started :nana:). There isn't a constant flow of crisises to give this forum its best and most interesting discussion: a reasoned, incredibly professional analysis of an ongoing war/crisis. This site is where I turned in the 2006 Israel-Lebanon war, I turned here in the Georgia War, and I will continue to do so in all future wars.

Also, with the start of the school year in the US, a lot of our younger members have less time to spread.


The Punisher
Staff member
Super Moderator
Registered Member
I have an idea to increase activity. Perhaps as a subforum of the Members Club Room we could have a less strict forum for political discussion and military discussion that might otherwise be barred. We could even do it in the structure of a debate, like the "Fight Club" forum at Abovetopsecret.
yea... and have 95% of all active topics be spam in that little subforum while the rest of the forum continues to get ignored. From my experience with forums, those things never really work out.

1. There hasn't be alot of military activity both in China and globally, so basically there isn't much to talk about.
On the contrary, I felt this year had a lot of stuff going on that relates to the military both in china and worldwide, like the russia-georgia war, the earthquake relief in china, etc. and now the ShenZhou 7. Although I have to admit the lack of interest might be related to how PLA didn't show off any new fancy equipment that makes everyone go "woo" and discuss it to death. and i guess people kinda given up hope on the carrier :roll:

PS: omg I can still log in with my EZboard account:eek:


Lieutenant General
Staff member
Super Moderator
VIP Professional
Registered Member
I think it will be fine, there is a lot going on. When the Olympics was happening, nobody wanted to post. And with the election and the horrible economy, people just have too much other stuff on their mind.

The main factor is the lack of progress this year. It's just been a slow year by PLA standard.

Autumn Child

Junior Member
I post less now adays not because the forum is uninteresting but because of my time.
There are too much going on around me at the moment. beside i can only contribute to non technical post. I still visit this site alot to marvel at some posters technical knowledge.

I hope this forum is not withering. This is the only chinese defense forum viewable from china!!! what wouls i do without SDF....
I think the only reason why this forum is still viewable in china is because of its no political BS and maybe....not enough viewers to get banned. anyways...whatever you guys do in this forum it is working and hopefully will work in the future too.

This forum in my opinion is the best and most professional forum out there with lots of insightful posters. I will try to contribute as much as i can. This forum may also need to train up new Mods that can enforce the strict rule just in case old Mods are busy with other things in their life (succession planning).

Keep it up and don't let it fade away!!!


Junior Member
I have an idea to increase activity. Perhaps as a subforum of the Members Club Room we could have a less strict forum for political discussion and military discussion that might otherwise be barred. We could even do it in the structure of a debate, like the "Fight Club" forum at Abovetopsecret.

As for why the pace of posting has slowed, I think it's because there really isn't much to talk about. There haven't been too many big PLA developments lately, and the number of people here who really have the technical knowledge to talk about those things anyway is somewhat limited, I know that I don't know enough about the technical side of things to really question what people like TPhuang, crobato and planeman say. We've done a lot of the vs. scenarios to death (how many discussions have there been on here about the ability of Chinese ballistic missles to take out ROCAF airfields, to name a favorite). The last "big" thread, IIRC was the Georgiz-Russia war thread (which I started :nana:). There isn't a constant flow of crisises to give this forum its best and most interesting discussion: a reasoned, incredibly professional analysis of an ongoing war/crisis. This site is where I turned in the 2006 Israel-Lebanon war, I turned here in the Georgia War, and I will continue to do so in all future wars.

Also, with the start of the school year in the US, a lot of our younger members have less time to spread.

Good ide, we don't really want to make this forum into a flame war zone, but some time little bit of heated flame war can be fun and refreshing, lol


Junior Member
My reason of not posting often is:
1. I feel that I'm not professional enough to comment on some matters (maybe some education link necessary for every forum so that we know what the jargon means, etc)
2. All of us might be afraid of being labeled "pro-Chinese" or "anti-Chinese."
In my humble opinion, since it is Sino Defence, people should not be afraid of being labeled as pro-chinese or patriotic. Remember the context, this is Sino Defence, not American or Russian or Pakistan defence. In my opinion, every pro-Chinese member should not be ashamed of proclaiming themselves as pro-Chinese. Of course, don't fall into the trap of "simply bashing countries." I think we can be nationalistic without being exclusive or offensive. That's what I have in mind when I came to SDF. But in reality, it's just another Modern Academy where patriotism or nationalism is suppressed.
Please, don't misunderstand me. Everybody wants their country to be number one. They will form a group to share their desire, and they want healthy inputs (from supporters or non-supporters) to achieve that in their mind.
When the mods are trying to be "neutral," in the context of SDF, it just kills every pro-Chinese desire to participate. Anti-China bias took place in SDF too.
I'm not proposing fanaticism, or anything like that. Just make it a family forum for pro-Chinese members with occasional healthy input from "neutral" members.
It's often the "anti-Chinese" posting that provokes the "childish" responses, why? Because the pro-Chinese members simply believe that this is their home, everyone is welcome to participate in the house-building, but please don't come to destroy it. We end up destroying each other. And SDF will be like it is now, a forum deserted by those who feel that this used to be their home.
I apologize for any offense this cause to any members or moderators. And if I'm in the wrong place, that this forum is not for pro-Chinese, I'm sorry. I should change my mindset or go somewhere else. But one thing I believe, I'm not speaking for myself only.