Re: Are China's military equipments 20 years behind the US' army ?
If the Chinese military had to carry out an operation like Desert Storm today, they would utterly fail. This is because China doesn't have any of the strategic military tools which the US had and continues to have plenty of, such as:
- bases and forces already deployed all around the world
- strategic airlift
- aircraft carriers with airwings
- amphibious ships and forces with organic CAS
- submarines with LACMs
- long range strategic bombers
That is just non-sense, and largely inaccurate to boot.
Lets take a closer look.
Bases around the world.
Irrelevant. The US had no military bases in Saudi Arabia until the build up to the Gulf War. If the Saudis allowed China to establish military bases on their soil, and the same coalition allowed the PLA the same access to their bases and facilities as they allowed the US in 91, the PLA could conduct a gulf war style operation just as effectively.
Strategic airlift
Again irrelevant. The vast majority of US military forces and hardware got to the middle east via ships, not transport planes. Not even the US has anything close to the airlift capacity to transport a desert storm sized expeditionary force. The PLA can get their forces to the middle east by ship, just as the US did with the bulk of its forces.
Carriers with airwing
Useful but not essential, what with some many air bases available in neighboring countries. The sortie and weapons release logs will also show that ground based aircraft did the bulk of the work. Having carriers would be helpful, but not having them would not render the mission impossible.
Amphibious ships
Again, useful but hardly essential. There was actually no large scale amphibious assault during the gulf war. The US Marines drove across the desert instead.
Forces with organic CAS
The PLA actually has this, and has had it for years now. The PLAAF have embedded close air controllers in PLA units. This is well documented. Beside, the PLA has always had different battlefield tactics and strategies to the US, and the PLA place much more emphasis on organic artillery support, and have far more big guns in their force structure than the US army, which would have been more useful out in the open desert.
submarines with LACM
Silly example. Do you know how many cruise missiles were launched by subs during desert storm? Compare that to the total number of missiles and bombs dropped and you will realize this capability makes very little difference in the grand scheme of things.
long range strategic bombers
Again, irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. In the age of precision munitions, the ability to carpet bomb has lost its significance. Hell, carpet bombing was never really that effective anyways.
It might have taken more sorties, but strategic bombers did not play a pivotal role to make their absence matter much. The PLA preferred to used massed artillery for saturation work anyways, and the H6 would be more than adequate to act as bomb truck if it was really needed.
All these assets allow the US to carry out offensive operations anywhere in the world with short notice. Not only is China's technology 20 years behind the US for equivalents, there are also areas where China does not have equivalents at all, such as in strategic airlift, strategic long range bombers, aircraft carriers, amphibious ships and expeditionary forces.
But this is not so bad since China doesn't care to rule the world, it just needs to be able to defend itself against a world conqueror such as the US.
As I have explained above, none of the things you have raised, individually or collectively, would be able to cause PLA desert storm style operation to become an 'utter fail' by any stretch of the imagination.
There is no reason to think that if given the same level of international support and co-operation from neighboring countries and NATO allies as the US enjoyed that the PLA of today could not have conducted a desert storm style operation and achieved similar results.
It would take quite something to argue that the Iraqi military of 91 could have hoped to defeat the PLA of today plus NATO allies of 1991 operating from the same bases as the US did back then.