What small states are going to kick off against China? China's rivals are large, powerful nations, not small ones which it could realistically stand a chance against.
The same could be said to Manuel Noriega, who had 0% chance of defeating the US.
Given time, opportunity (or excuse for a quick "police action") will pop-up. For example if there was another anti-Chinese riot in Indonesia in 2020, it'd be an excuse for PLAN deployement. Add in a couple of hard-headed Indonesian generals to declare they'd sink all Chinese ships in its territorial waters, and you have your little shooting war.
No. I'm not addressing the views to current US foreign policy and people's views of them. I'm addressing the assertion that:
This implies that China is building up military capabilities for the purposes of conquering people and areas of the Pacific. This implies China is a belligerent state.
My view is that IF and when the PRC's economic/military power becomes the dominate force in East Asia, most of its smaller neighbors will eventually go through a gradual process of findlandization (apologies to anyone from Finland here!). Anyone who pokes their head up in opposition end up either being isolated or taken out via quick "police action" (see: Panama).
Using force to make your neighbors submit is usually a loser's way of winning, and should be used sparingly or as last resort, and preferably against a small weak opponent that you're sure to win (this isn't WW3). Losers force people to do things their way, vs. winners attract others to your side to fulfill their own selfish needs. Dissidents don't always need to be crushed, they can be shunned until they figure out that they're better off kissing your butt (see: Qaddafi).
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