In the video, when they spin the plane and you get to look through the open canopy, you can see clear visual distortions caused by the low quality materials and manufacturing techniques used.
Also, during the video, when the guy was giving the interview in front of the plane and it stops spinning just in time to stop the pitot tube poking him on the head, you can see the entire nose bobble about a little because of the sudden stop.
There is no doubt in my mind that this is just a plastic mock up and that the plane seem flying is just a scale model.
I'm done with this silly publicity stunt, I'll take this more seriously when they have a flying prototype, but I'm not holding my breath. I would not be surprised if the whole thing never goes that far because the more I see of this plane, the more flawed and unrealistic it seems.
The entire airframe looks very draggy and the wing loading is going to be horrible. They are going to need an unbelievably powerful engine to make that thing have any sort of reasonable speed, and retro rockets to make it agile (maybe thats what the kinks in the wings are housing
). The intakes looks like they were designed to serve the same function as Luneburg lenses, and their positioning is going to mean very poor AoA characteristics, as anything remotely high will likely cut airflow to the engines altogether.
The Iranians should have quit while they were ahead and only released the first picture of the face-on profile, as it looked respectable from that one angle. Sometimes less is more.