Oh don’t you know TALOS is dead... well really it just wasn’t practical as a all in system.
to complicated. There are mature parts nearly read for prime time but as a whole it’s well still not ready yet. That’s because no one NO ONE has the technology yet. SOCOM concluded 10 “Subsystems” got farther developing as maturity.
- Lighter weight Polyethylene extremity armor offering 44% coverage protection vs 19% for standard
- Lightweight Polyethylene Ballistic Sheild
- Lightweight Polyethylene Helmet with improved NOD mount with system links to the rifle sight.
- Lower body exoskeleton
- Weapon stabilization and Counter UAS
- Virtual reality Tactical Assault Kit. basically it’s a VR shoot house that would let SF guys walk through before actually getting to work
- Augmented reality
- Improved Image intensification Tubes. Better Nod
- Medium range Fused sensor weapons sight in the LWIR and NIR
- Power management.
Although parts of this could be shifted to infantry it’s not likely before the start of the next decade. Much of this is targeted to SF units for a reason. TALOS wasn’t for the grunts it was the elites. Focusing on asymmetric conflict types. Parts 1,3,4,7,8, and 10 cold get to conventional infantry in spirals. NGSW however is targeted to conventional infantry forces and would come with its own #9 equivalent. This is as the SF element is more narrowly focused to Asymmetric conflict its current programs are tailored less to body armor and more to range. Favoring lighter longer range bullets in the 6.5mm class for reach and less ambitious changes.
As to Tungsten cored HV ammo types that would require significant weight and density. modern infantry fighting is the question. How much are you willing to spend on your Soldiers. The TALOS was targeted to individuals with high range skills and specialized ability. Rangers, SEALS, DELTA and MARSOC.
Regular infantry would be issued knocked down less specialized iterations.
So I guess Ghost Recon Future Soldier is pretty realistic huh?
the Ghost Recon games were created by a studio that was told from day one to study real US Army concepts and kit for the basis of their games. GRAW 1 and GRAW 2 were literally taking US Army Objective Force mock ups Land warrior Prototypes and concepts and back filling logical ideas. More modern titles of the series did the same. Taking Concepts from DARPA and building around them. As such it’s basically if NATICK made a video game. Ghost Recon’s first game (2001) was set in the then far off future of 2008 ironically telling of a Russian Georgian war... GRAW in 2006 was set in the then far distant... 2013. GRAW FS in 2012 set in 2024. With its successors taking place between now and then
As such they are based on more off the Shelf tech. Like guessing what a 2025 car will look like it’s a lot more accurate to guess today than it was in 1976.
As to body armor able to stop tungsten tipped small arms the best way to stop that is an IFV or not to fight
The set up above looks like a lot of off the shelf kit Especially the rifle Bushmaster ACR. The helmet looks like some of the Objective Force Warrior mockups. The uniform and armor from that old program were actually produced by Crye Precision. Systems like this are far more common these days. After all Objective Force Warrior was a late 90s-00s program targeting ideas for production in well Today. With farther more ambitious ideas targeted to 2025 and 2030. Basically it’s what you expect.