Infantry Combat Equipment (non-firearm): Vests, Body Armor, NVGs, etc.


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Registered Member
New PLA helmet, looks a lot like, if not outright the same as the modified QGF-11s that armed police have been running. Compared to the IHPS the US is set to issue, it seems dated. PLA trails behind on infantry gear as always, and it doesn't seem like it's going to change anytime soon





New PLA helmet, looks a lot like, if not outright the same as the modified QGF-11s that armed police have been running. Compared to the IHPS the US is set to issue, it seems dated. PLA trails behind on infantry gear as always, and it doesn't seem like it's going to change anytime soon.

These are Type-15 helmets, issued in limited numbers beginning in 2015. These will likely be phased out, as PLA is actively experimenting with multiple helmets, vests, and other individual soldier systems. Below are some photos of various tactical helmets that have been tested by the army.




In fact, the army have opened a competitive bid for a new ballistic helmet back in 2017, with the winners announced in December of 2018. Here's my translations of the blow photos. Assuming production of the new helmet has recently started, the final products could be revealed fairly soon.



Tyrant King
New PLA helmet, looks a lot like, if not outright the same as the modified QGF-11s that armed police have been running. Compared to the IHPS the US is set to issue, it seems dated. PLA trails behind on infantry gear as always, and it doesn't seem like it's going to change anytime soon



IHPS is modular but strip off the modules and it’s not that far removed.FF3974A4-4E59-4C73-931A-870642EE8833.pngThe goal of IHPS was for a helmet that could be configured to meet protection needs better than ACH which was a improved version of the MITCH which was an improvement over the PASGT “Fritz” helmet.
The fancy features of the IHPS are for attaching a mandible, Visor, NOD and add on lights, Cameras, coms gear and additional protective appliqué.
However fact is rarely is all that needed. 953D235A-8C0C-4A11-AEA5-0FA1A7F403E1.pngAnd it’s getting a bit heavy.


Registered Member
I would agree that weight and bulkiness is an underrated issue. It must be difficult to fight in something resembling a moped helmet :p


Tyrant King
Although 1) is this the back of the plate or the front? Based on the printing my guess is back. But the discolored spots could mean this was the strike face and those are fragments of the round
2) why rate their plates to stop ammo unique to them? It reminds me of Zimmerit treatment on mid to late WWII German tanks. Okay fine it will stop magnetic mines but only Germany issued Magnetic mines.
3) is this supposed to show the strength of the plate or weakness of the ammo? And does it state beyond 5.8mm what type hardened penetrator core tungsten or softer training ammo?


Lieutenant General
This is a ceramic plate, so those are not hit marks.

As for 5.8, well the Chinese 5.8 has superior armour penetration capabilities compared to 5.56 NATO and Russian/NATO 7.62, so if it can stop 5.8, it can also stop all standard rounds from other major militaries.

I would guess that the plate was designed specifically to stop 5.56 and 7.62, but would need additional support from soft Kevlar to stop 5.8.