Infantry Combat Equipment (non-firearm): Vests, Body Armor, NVGs, etc.


Junior Member
Registered Member
When can we expect the PLA soldier to be equipped to NATO standards or more?
Define NATO standard .
Unlikely within this decade for almost every field, PLA is first too big to do major changes across the board.
Take example the uniform, if previous uniform change are a president this might be done in a decade or so , and even then if could be argued that might not be NATO standard.

In any case personal gear might have the smallest affect for combat efficiency for a given army over all.
That why for decades the main focus has been modernizing other hardware. Give a battalion new IFV going to make a bigger difference
then switching rifles, uniform, plate carrier, helmet, for the whole brigade.

On that note I think the time line put forth by the central committee is realistic, PLA will be a peer to US in later half of this century, in around 2050 or so.


Registered Member
Define NATO standard .
Unlikely within this decade for almost every field, PLA is first too big to do major changes across the board.
Take example the uniform, if previous uniform change are a president this might be done in a decade or so , and even then if could be argued that might not be NATO standard.

In any case personal gear might have the smallest affect for combat efficiency for a given army over all.
That why for decades the main focus has been modernizing other hardware. Give a battalion new IFV going to make a bigger difference
then switching rifles, uniform, plate carrier, helmet, for the whole brigade.

On that note I think the time line put forth by the central committee is realistic, PLA will be a peer to US in later half of this century, in around 2050 or so.
NATO includes armies with top of the line infantry kit (US, UK + some others) and other armies somewhat less well equipped - I cannot imagine the line infantry of Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania etc. being equipped as well as US infantry. SpecOps is another matter. From what I've seen of PLAGF since being on here I would put them somewhere in the middle.


Multi-functional shovel/saw/bottle opener/wire cutter/frying pan, etc.
