ArjunMk1 said:Sorry for being off topic ; but I have a simple question !
Why Pakistanis are dreaming of a Sino Indian conflict in their favour. They say about Pakistan+China+Bangladesh+ Mayanmar+..... vs India +0 ???Not only here but in almost all other forums !!!
But the truth is that NEITHER CHINA NOR INDIA are willing to got at war against each other !!! They are now speaking of friendship and economical cooperation. What they should gain in war ???
I am Pakistani and I don't wish of any conflict happening between any nation. I would like to see Pakistan and India and India and China to get past their differences and work things out for a better future. Even though that may not work, I do have a strong feeling that a war WON'T happen because every side has nukes and that launching a war would simply be too risky.
Having said that, this thread is just meant to analyze what can happen if a war does break out. Also ArjunMKI, those Pakistanis that daydream of war most likely have not experienced war. My mom and dad ran away from Bangladesh back in 1971 because they were Behari and even though both my parents don't like Indians very much, they surely don't want the nations to got to war because they have actually seen the horrors that take place. So please don't listen to those Pakistanis and Indians that rant about war. They haven't even seen what a war does to average people.