Well, in case you are not caught up, N-LCA as a "combat-intended" aircraft is long dead since December, 2016 when the Navy decided to pull out citing various shortcomings for all obvious reasons.
Initially, ADA had estimated that NP-1 would differ from the LCA Air Force fighter version by about 15 percent, therefore the designers tried to limit the changes to the mid-fuselage only, but as the detailed design work progressed the extent of changes burgeoned to as much as 40-45 percent. Furthermore, it was evident that this constraint resulted in a sub-optimal and heavier than anticipated design taking away much of the MTOW with a drastically increased empty weight such as those from the arrestor hook and affiliated stowage, strengthened landing gear, heavy-actuator laden LEVCONS, the increased droop angle and all the flight instrumentation equipment which it would carry (estimated to be about 0.3T in AF versions).
In case you haven't read my previous post. So yea, this essence of a "combat payload demonstration" is pretty much moot since the need simply does not exist any more.