What's your assessment on this particular exercise based on this very short glimpse of what the Indians are doing on this supposedly close to the Sikkim Area.
Garlands and breaking of coconuts. The production rate is such that every new unit produced is a miraculous occasion that calls for a ceremony.
Induction of the AMCA is likely to commence 2035 onwards.
Those dates sound more reasonable.Induction of LCA Mk 2 is likely to commence from 2030 onwards
How do Indians not realise that the whole "we stood our ground" spiel fed to them by Modi media is a whole lot of face saving. Like of course they'll say that. It means absolutely nothing to say aka claim "we stood our ground" when you had hundreds captured, dozens killed including captain and senior officers, and agreed to buffers on land you used to patrol. Meanwhile China maintains control on Aksai Chin.
This ain't much of a story when the event is about India attempting to intrude into China's territory as Amit Shah mentioned India should be doing back in 2019. India failed to access and control Aksai Chin in 2020. Saying that India didn't let China intrude into India is a bit of a nothing burger. That's like the thief of an attempted robbery getting caught and his ass kicked and then saying he didn't let the owner of the home take anything from the thief's own home.
Of course you're going to deny this and we've been over it all before. Call it whatever you want but Amit Shah and India claiming that Aksai Chin is Indian land and that India will take Aksai Chin "with blood" and then attempting in 2020 then failing spectacularly. Now still claims Aksai Chin despite buffers being established in areas that India used to patrol very frequently, much more frequently than China did, according to India's own VK Singh (four star general before change of office... general during India's years long frequent patrolling on areas they have no access to now). According to col dinny, it was China which patrolled far more than india
China was not able to create buffer zones up to it's 1959 lac perception. In the small areas consisting of buffer zone, the buffer covers only small areas of dispute and in some sectors even extends into parts of Aksai Chin previously controlled by china where there is no difference of perception, like galwan and gogra, where the lac remains in the same location as it was prior to 2020The leaks China reveals about the June fighting results back in 2020.
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China was not able to create buffer zones up to it's 1959 lac perception. In the small areas consisting of buffer zone, the buffer covers only small areas of dispute and in some sectors even extends into parts of Aksai Chin previously controlled by china where there is no difference of perception, like galwan and gogra, where the lac remains in the same location as it was prior to 2020
You are forgetting that in early 2020, India completed the strategic DSDBO road, which China openly objected to right before the standoff because it went through areas of differing perceptions. The Chinese foreign ministry even cited that and other constructions as a cause of hostilitiesAnd that was not China's aim. If that was China's aim, it would have simply demarcated and taken it... because it managed to from March to October, China demonstrated it could occupy any stretch of no man's land it wants to and India was unable to change that. India attempted to in June and failed. Above photos and videos show the aftermath of India's attempt. So we've proven that China could take it. That's a fact no matter how much you want to obfuscate and deny.
India went in on the offensive in Jan 2020 to take Aksai Chin and failed. The buffer zone stuff is a result of India's attempt to take Aksai Chin.
LAC remains relatively similar thanks to China preventing India. What is there for India to be proud of when it attempted to take land and failed. I know you always need to turn it around but it's clear as day. India thinking it is China attempting to take the remaining dispute which is measly compared to Aksai Chin, India's aim, is just nonsense because China took it and negotiated for buffer zones to be established along parts of that no man's land. Once buffer zones were agreed to, China agreed to withdraw troops. Why withdraw troops if it weren't stepping way into no man's land and holding it? Jeez talking to you is like talking to a mental patient in perpetual denial.
India got its ass kicked.
For evidence, see above photos.
According to Colonel Dinny, it was China who patrolled Pangong and other areas far more than india. Col. Dinny's testimony is reliable since he personally led patrols for the past few decades. Obviously in areas where India had a geographical advantage, India would patrol more(such as Chumar) and still does. China was patrolling north Pangong far more than india and only agreed to India's terms of disengagent after India occupied territory in kailash.And that was not China's aim. If that was China's aim, it would have simply demarcated and taken it... because it managed to from March to October 2020, China demonstrated it could occupy any stretch of no man's land it wants to and India was unable to change that. India attempted to in June and failed. Above photos and videos show the aftermath of India's attempt. So we've proven that China could take it. That's a fact no matter how much you want to obfuscate and deny.
India went in on the offensive in Jan 2020 to take Aksai Chin and failed. The buffer zone stuff is a result of India's attempt to take Aksai Chin.
LAC remains relatively similar thanks to China preventing India. What is there for India to be proud of when it attempted to take land and failed. I know you always need to turn it around but it's clear as day. India thinking it is China attempting to take the remaining dispute which is measly compared to Aksai Chin, India's aim, is just nonsense because China took it and negotiated for buffer zones to be established along parts of that no man's land. Once buffer zones were agreed to, China agreed to withdraw troops. Why withdraw troops if it weren't stepping way into no man's land and holding it? Jeez talking to you is like talking to a mental patient in perpetual denial.
India got its ass kicked.
For evidence, see above photos.
How it went down.
2019: India says it wants to take Aksai Chin from China. India's precious fatty Amit Shah himself says this.
2020 Jan to March: covid in China and India moved in. China immediately talked about it and reported clashes.
2020 March to October: China sent PLA in and kicked India's ass (see photos) and sat on multiple points of no man's land which India used to patrol frequently.
2020 June: India and China had a clash resulting in violence and casualties on both sides (20 dead from India and 4 from PLA and hundreds of Indians captured and no PLA captured by India during the June 30th clash).
2020 June to October: negotiations for China to withdraw from its forward positions occupied (in no man's land) in exchange for India agreeing to buffer zones in parts of no man's land.
2020 November to rest: India slowly agrees to each deal. Buffers established. Both sides keep details relatively opaque to save Modi's face and ass from bhakt supapowa morons.
Result: China keeps Aksai Chin and India fails to capture Aksai Chin. Buffers sort of nearly cut off (or perhaps does cut off) Aksai Chin from Indian access and certainly nowhere near India's remaining allowed patrol points.
You are forgetting that in early 2020, India completed the strategic DSDBO road, which China openly objected to right before the standoff because it went through areas of differing perceptions. The Chinese foreign ministry even cited that and other constructions as a cause of hostilities