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However, if the agreement between India and France to develop an engine for AMCA is successfully finalized, it will be a game-changer. Both nations can pool their resources and technological expertise to create the most advanced engine to date. This engine would not only propel Tejas and AMCA but also any 5th or 6th generation jets designed by India or France in the future.

Is India looking to join the French led FCAS program, or perhaps partial participation by investing in the R&D of certain subsystems?

The more recent TEDBF program appears to owe its existence to the failure of LCA-N owing to marginal performance characteristics (which supports LCA detractors' contention that even the land-based aircraft is chronically overweight) coupled with growth of ambition over time to an aircraft that could, at least in theory, serve as the carrier-based manned combat aircraft for IN. Undoubtedly IN will have been reassured by ADA that TEDBF project cost will be minimised via commonality with LCA systems and learnings from that project. Still, it appears to be an insouciant enterprise with long odds of success.


(1) French assistance to the LCA program since the 1980s.

(2) India's acquisition of the Dassault Rafale for the IAF, and perhaps soon for IN as well.*

(3) Dassault's willingness to setup a Rafale assembly line in India should a more significant order materialize.*

(4) The physical resemblance shared by the Rafale and TEDBF.

(5) A desire by the Indian MoD for fighter systems like the AMCA, TEDBF, LCA and perhaps even Rafale to share common subsystems for obvious logistical reasons, or so we presume.

(6) The TEDBF's projected 2038 service entry date.

I can't help but want to ask . . .

I. What are the odds the TEDBF and AMCA will share turbofans?

II. Will the TEDBF more or less be a product of de facto and/or even overt de jure Dassault Rafale ToT to India(, but not happening for a decade plus because Paris wants to keep on milking New Delhi for as much and for as long as possible)?

III. What role is French industry playing in the development of the AMCA?

* I don't spend much time tracking Indian defense acquisitions, so please feel free to correct me if anything looks off.