Indian Economics thread.

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and India Superpower 2020 had all been a failure. They are all scams.
The India Superpower 2020 project was not a fraud. Abdul Kalam and Rajan's predictions from the book "India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium" were accurate. They just missed the country. Only after Modi and Indian politicians concluded that the book was implicitly mentioning China, not India.


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India is in big big trouble, with manufacturing as a percentage of GDP actually dropping since a few years ago. That's shocking for a developing country. And I don't see Modi making any moves that could reverse this trend. He tried a little with the farm laws but the western powers that be managed to fund protests and keep India agrarian


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From a personal view,I’d say despite a huge amount of indiot, they do have many geniuses or at least rational people, and that didn’t reflect on most political decisions somehow, it’s a mystery to me.
Those Indian Twitter experts , demonstrate their theory with data coming from marvel universe , still get thousands of likes, I’m speechless , maybe hot weather does harm human brains


Registered Member
From a personal view,I’d say despite a huge amount of indiot, they do have many geniuses or at least rational people, and that didn’t reflect on most political decisions somehow, it’s a mystery to me.
Those Indian Twitter experts , demonstrate their theory with data coming from marvel universe , still get thousands of likes, I’m speechless , maybe hot weather does harm human brains
Its called "Democrazy".

What can a few genius Indians do infront of a horde of illiterate and stupid Indians? This is why China hopes that India will forever be a democracy


Registered Member
India is in big big trouble, with manufacturing as a percentage of GDP actually dropping since a few years ago. That's shocking for a developing country. And I don't see Modi making any moves that could reverse this trend. He tried a little with the farm laws but the western powers that be managed to fund protests and keep India agrarian
India depends on its high class IT service industry for economic growth.
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