Reminds me of what Jayant Bhandari said and pointedly expressed 4 years ago on these interviews.
Savage 1
Savage 2
I enjoy Jayant Bhandari's savage of India. Nevertheless I do think he does have a controversial extreme pessimism about India. Mostly controversial for the politically correct culture of today. He has mentioned that India only truly enjoyed prosperity under the British rule.
He has this idea that the world is divided into two groups: one group are the rational civilisations, and the other group are the irrational savages. He considers East Asia with China included, Europe, Russia, and North America as the rational 'civilized' group. While he considers the rest of the world as irrational savages. A very controversial view. And can be easily debated in my opinion.
Jayant Bhandari is especially scathing against his own country, India. He said that he grew up in the slums, and have a deep disdain for Indians, both the rich and the poor. The poor he considers as simple minded savages, while the rich are just the same savages with power and wealth. To come to that kinda conclusion, his early life in India must have been hard. To his credit, he cites figures and data to back up his pessimism about India. So far, no Jai Hinds have been able to debate with him. They can only attack him. Well that's hilarious.
Jayant Bhandari does have an extreme pessimism about India that can be hard to digest for the politically correct. But then we see repeated Indian failures, increased consumption of cow excrement, Covid-19 disaster, military disaster, and holy cow > science. Maybe his view are not as extreme as it sounds with regards to India.