Jai Hind delusional man, no one was suggesting in their right mind that none in India can afford super duper western luxurious cars, what was expressed and rightfully so is that India's market meaning consumer buyers are not yet paid high enough to be able to gobble up or even replace the Chinese market for the simple basic arithmetic (something that you folks are supposed to be great at) that GDP per capita of India isn't up there yet and yes it's at approximately $3000 more or less. If this wasn't the case, almost all western companies would have literally lining up in droves to invest in India and will bend over back wards whatever any Indian government would demand. The same can be said with their military budget, their infrastructure budget etc....What's so hard for you to understand? or are you choosing to be obtuse, and stop being coy with you being a Jai Hind because you sound like one, chat like one, heck you probably are one and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being one.