India is still India and I'm talking before China's rise since Deng Xiaoping. India has only advanced as much as any other developing country would advance given the foreign technologies that are available.
And all because of the simplistic thinking that since India was more in line with the West, India had to outperform China. That's the only reason why they thought India would beat China. That's assuming the Western system was a perfect system. It's not just from seeing how the rich are getting richer while everyone else is getting poorer. Just look at Japan when it was the West's boogieman. It was seen as foreign as China but today they look at Japan as a partner.
The only reason why the West argues their system is the best is because it's theirs. There's nothing that proves it especially when they're worried about China being an alternative. Why would they be worried that China is seen as an alternative if China's is so bad. China ain't forcing anyone to embrace their way unlike the West is. Their system is designed to enslave everyone else and that's why they see China as an alternative as being bad... for them. The rich in the West are sociopaths. They don't see them getting richer at everyone else's expense as being a problem. And the hypocrites look at Chinese business in places like Africa and all of the sudden they see only individuals getting rich and not the population in general. Now all of the sudden the West are bunch of communists wanting the wealth to be equally distributed. They contradict themselves and remember what I said how you tell someone is universally evil... Evil can two contradictory thoughts at the same time.
They want communism for developing countries but they hate China because China is communist...? So what is the West's system? The system they claim to promote is also a lie because no one would follow them if they told the truth. And the truth is they want to shape the world to serve them aka slavery like they always wanted it. Remember they want to rename slavery to "involuntary relocation" because to them just changing the name makes it not what it is. They still want to enslave the world but they call it democracy and freedom now. They say it themselves that they can't compete with China in purchasing other countries resources because China outbids them. Isn't that what capitalism is all about? Outbidding them means China pays other countries more than the West would. So what's bad about that? It's bad for the West because they don't get what they want and need according to what terms they want. They want Chinese competition eliminated so they're the only game in town and get to dictate terms to the producer meaning less than what they would've got from China and somehow they think their way is best for the world...?