LMAO, no need to go that far. They can live how they like but they need to learn to respect other nations.
The problem with allowing them to live how they like is that they will invariably end up sanctioning to death (which inevitably will cause that state to become an international pariah) or declaring war on any nation that doesn't submit to their interests and way of life and thinking. They can't stand the notion of anyone going their own way.
We don't even have to look at it from the lens of future wars, even today there is economic pressure on any nation that doesn't either benefit or support them in all their endeavors. Still multiple countries own colonies today, which are not considered as such by the UN or any other international body simply because they either deported the native inhabitants or just demographically replaced them with their own people!
To this day, the United States, United Kingdom, France, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Israel, Spain, and Portugal hold colonial possessions that should be returned back to a native people.
Here are many examples, examples which China should now use every time these hypocritical & sociopathic countries seek to criticize the Chinese for simply existing as an independent people with self-agency. It is amazing these stories are rarely reported in the open press by supposedly free and fair inquisitive journalists from the BBC/CNN/AP, never providing pressure for these nations to remedy the wrongs they committed, actually currently committing every day:
United States - The United States holds multiple Pacific and Caribbean Islands, many of which belonged to native peoples it forcibly deported to build military installations and research facilities - or that it conquered from other colonial empires and never returned to the original inhabitants. In some cases, such as Guam, they promoted White immigration to the land so that any potential referendum for Guamanian independence would fail due to the White minority voting overwhelmingly to remain an American dependent. Recently, a judge in the states dictated to the Guamanian people that they must allow the Whites to vote in any potential referendum, thereby forever subjecting the Guamanians to being an American vassal. With Guantanamo Bay, the United States along with the international community agree it is Cuban territory, yet the US holds an indefinite lease that only it can abrogate, which means the US can effectively hold Guantanamo Bay for a trillion years if it so choses.
15 Colonies and dependent territories held by the United States: Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Navassa Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Palmyra Atoll, Jarvis Island, Midway Atoll, Wake Island, Howland Island, Baker Island, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and Guantanamo Bay.
United Kingdom - The UK holds multiple territories in the Southern Atlantic and Caribbean, some which it will now own in perpetuity since it has replaced the indigenous population with its own race. A colony is no longer a colony once its people decide they want to be annexed by their former masters. And what an easy way to cause the colonized to have a change of heart when you deport/kill the colonized native inhabitants and replace them with your own people. Suddenly the newly colonized decide they want to remain a part of the colonial empire for all time, since they are in fact the former colonists themselves. This dirty tactic is not recognized at all by international law or aids groups. The UK as recently as the 1970s was creating new colonies. It seized a group of over 1,000 islands known as the Chagos Archipelago right as it was declaring independence, forcibly deported the ENTIRE native population of Chagossians and euthanized their pets, and still holds it to this day! These hypocrites talk about ICJ or UN or UNCLOSS rulings against China as if they are the final arbitrators, yet they themselves refuse to follow the same laws they promote as the final ruling to China or any other nation.
It's a shame China has not used this against these abominable people:
15 Colonies and dependent territories held by the United Kingdom: Anguilla, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena, Ascension Island, Tristan da Cunha, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Akrotiri and Dhekelia, and the Turks and Caicos Islands.
France - France controls multiple territories, the majority of which are around Madagascar and in the Americas. The French have one of the worst and most egregious examples of racial colonialism, similar to the Guamanian independence attempts but in this case actually having been played out in a real-life referendum conducted twice. With Europeans/Whites being about 1/4th of the population of New Caledonia, they have twice played the seminal part in rejecting the Caledonians independence in referendums -
- in each instance the natives voted >95% for independence, and in each instance the White colonists were the decisive vote against it.
21 Colonies and dependent territories held by France - Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Reunion, Mayotte, French Polynesia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna, Saint Martin, Saint Barthelemy, New Caledonia, Clipperton Island, Adelie Land, Crozet Islands, Kerguelen Islands, Saint Paul and Amsterdam Islands, Glorioso Islands, Tromelin Island, Juan de Nova Island, Bassas da India, and Europa Island.
I could go on, everything from
Spain's to Israel's
but I think we all get the point! - China should be protesting this outright imperialism, forced demographic replacement, ethnic cleansing, and GENOCIDE every single day. It should be protesting in concert with all the natives that have themselves taken to hopelessly fighting the White imperialists inaction on these issues, along with the woke White, Black and mixed-race liberals that are fighting against their governments savagery.