That's a rocket propelled sub, Planeman?
Anyway, on a more serious note. Here are some direct evidence that the Chinese are working on a sub propulsion using an HTGR feeding a closed Brayton cycle turbine.
Power, power density and efficiency optimization for a closed cycle helium turbine nuclear power plant
Lin-Gen ChenCorresponding Author Contact Information, E-mail The Corresponding Author, a, Jun-Lin Zhenga, Feng-Rui Suna and Chih Wub
a Faculty 306, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, PR China
b Department of Mechanical Engineering, US Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD 21402, USA
Received 15 August 2002; accepted 11 December 2002. ; Available online 11 February 2003.
The performance of a closed cycle helium turbine nuclear power plant for submarine propulsion is optimized in this paper. The power output, power density (ratio of power output to maximum specific volume in the cycle) and thermal efficiency of the cycle are derived. The maximum power, power density and efficiency are obtained by searching for the optimum heat conductance distribution among the hot side heat exchanger (intermediate heat exchanger), cold side heat exchanger (precooler) and recuperator for fixed total heat exchanger inventory with respect to the corresponding optimization objectives. The optimum results are compared with those reported in recent references for the conceptual design of a closed cycle helium turbine nuclear power plant for submarine propulsion. The numerical example shows that the method herein is valid and effective.
Author Keywords: Helium turbine cycle; Power; Power density; Efficiency; Optimization; Optimum heat conductance distribution
Power optimization of an irreversible closed intercooled regenerated brayton cycle coupled to variable-temperature heat reservoirs
Wenhua Wanga, Lingen Chena, Corresponding Author Contact Information, E-mail The Corresponding Author, E-mail The Corresponding Author, Fengrui Suna and Chih Wub
aNaval University of Engineering, Faculty 306, Wuhan 430033, PR China
bMechanical Engineering Department, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD 21402, USA
Received 28 June 2004; accepted 27 August 2004. Available online 18 October 2004.
In this paper, power is optimized for an irreversible closed intercooled regenerated Brayton cycle coupled to variable-temperature heat reservoirs in the viewpoint of the theory of thermodynamic optimization (or finite-time thermodynamics (FTT), or endoreversible thermodynamics, or entropy generation minimization (EGM)) by searching the optimum intercooling pressure ratio and the optimum heat conductance distributions among the four heat exchangers (the hot-and cold-side heat exchangers, the intercooler and the regenerator) for fixed total heat exchanger inventory. When the optimization is performed with respect to the total pressure ratio of the cycle, the maximum power is maximized twice and the double-maximum power is obtained. Further, as the optimization is performed with respect to the thermal capacitance rate matching between the working fluid and the heat reservoir, the double-maximum power is maximized again and a thrice-maximum power is obtained. In the analysis, the heat resistance losses in the four heat exchangers, the irreversible compression and expansion losses in the compressors and the turbine, the pressure drop loss in the piping, and the effects of finite thermal capacity rate of the three heat reservoirs are taken into account. The effects of the heat reservoir inlet temperature ratio, the total heat exchanger inventory and some other cycle parameters on the cycle optimum performance are analyzed by a numerical example. The optimum results are compared with those reported in recent reference for the conceptual design of a closed-cycle intercooled regenerated gas turbine nuclear power plant for marine ship propulsion. The numerical example shows that the method herein is valid and effective.
Keywords: Thermodynamic optimization; Finite-time thermodynamics; Brayton cycle; Intercooled; Regenerated; Finite thermal capacity rate; Power optimization