This thread is turning into a bit of a one way convo lol.
Thinking of short range point defence, and a replacement for the masses of AAA in PLA inventory, I'm wondering if a gun-missile system like the OTO-Melara Davide system is a good fit.
The PLA is shifting towards MANPADs and light SAMs such as the TY-90 and although these add great potency to PLA land forces they ave several key disadvantages:
1. The missiles are quite slow and have poor capability against fast jets, missiles or bombs.
2. They mostly have manual fire control (strength and weakness)
3. They have a relatively slow reaction times and slow rate of fire.
On the other hand modern SAMs like the SA-15 or the missiles conceptualised in above posts are much more capable, but also much more expensive.
The PLA's main short range SAMs for defending fixed locations is te HQ-7, particularly the PLAAF shelter-mounted version. These are not that good.
So, a gun-fired guided dart system would be a good choice, deployed in a manner like Skyguard and fully integrated into the ADN.
The dart would be fired by a crew-less fully automatic 57mm (or larger) gun, and be guided by either Semi-active radar guidance or laser guidance.
Basic size comparison:
(Top = One of the laser guided darts sub-munition from a Starstreak missile, middle = OTO-Malara 76mm DAVIDE radar guided (SARH) gun-dart, Third = a typical 57mm AAA shell such as in PLA Type-59, bottom = My sketch of a 57mm gun-dart)
Thinking of short range point defence, and a replacement for the masses of AAA in PLA inventory, I'm wondering if a gun-missile system like the OTO-Melara Davide system is a good fit.
The PLA is shifting towards MANPADs and light SAMs such as the TY-90 and although these add great potency to PLA land forces they ave several key disadvantages:
1. The missiles are quite slow and have poor capability against fast jets, missiles or bombs.
2. They mostly have manual fire control (strength and weakness)
3. They have a relatively slow reaction times and slow rate of fire.
On the other hand modern SAMs like the SA-15 or the missiles conceptualised in above posts are much more capable, but also much more expensive.
The PLA's main short range SAMs for defending fixed locations is te HQ-7, particularly the PLAAF shelter-mounted version. These are not that good.
So, a gun-fired guided dart system would be a good choice, deployed in a manner like Skyguard and fully integrated into the ADN.
The dart would be fired by a crew-less fully automatic 57mm (or larger) gun, and be guided by either Semi-active radar guidance or laser guidance.
Basic size comparison:
(Top = One of the laser guided darts sub-munition from a Starstreak missile, middle = OTO-Malara 76mm DAVIDE radar guided (SARH) gun-dart, Third = a typical 57mm AAA shell such as in PLA Type-59, bottom = My sketch of a 57mm gun-dart)