Really cool concept, but just one quick question:
Why would you put land attack or anti ship cruise missiles on your carrier? You would get more flexibility with just storing extra ALCMs for your aircraft.
If you try to pile to many "nice to have" weapon systems, you are using space that could have been used to support air ops
just my five cents
This is where I differ with many people here. The way I see it a carrier cannot rely on its airwing as its only means of offense/defence. This appproach has been adopted by several navies though notably not the USN.
I also think that the carrier shouldn't rely too much on escorts for area-air defence SAM coverage, and for close-in ASW defence. Saying that a carrier doesn't need medium/ heavy SAMs because it will always be escorted, and has air-defence aircraft, is foolhardy IMO.
Stealth is another aspect of differing views. In my view the carrier should have a low enough RCS to be easily mistaken for an escort in the missile's eye view. Obviously the RCS is never going to be as small as the similar measures on a corvette.
Here's a 3-D view of my basic layout. The bridge structure is at the extreme front of the ship between the two ski-jumps. A bit like putting an air-defence destroyer onto the front of a CV, giving it excellent fields of fire. I haven't drawn the weapons fit although the YJ-62s would be under the ski-jumps.

Although I think it needs better looks, I am quite happy with the advantages of this layount and guess I'll get going on the scale diagrams.
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