Thanks guys for participation:china:
Now I haven't exactly given my own suggestion to the "ideal" carrier, the one that I gave was sort of foreplay and basis for future work. As I mentioned, the pr. 086 carrier was cut to one unit and the then (in the 80's) existing older carriers (pr. 085) were to be replaced by new unit in the 90's. I first tought that it's an easy task, just draw a "as good looking carrier as possiple" but then I become to realize some important things that I haven't been able to solve my own...
So why not try to do them with together?
First the stuff that I've come sofar:
There is to be build two of them. The geopolitical, economical and the scale of the naval operations sets the size of the carriers somewhat similar to Kuznetsov, basicly little larger than the contepory french and UK future carriers, but still smaller than US supercarriers. This ofcourse gives some limitations to the design.
As there's only two ships being build, and added the earlier 086, the aircrew is to be as homogenious as possible. It's just not cost effective to fit the ships with lets say two type of fighters (J-11 and J-10). Also i've been rethinking of the SH-6 ASW plane...can any nation (outside the superpowers) afford to build such a complicated plane with only few numbers? So thus I've decided to drop the Sh-6 and replace it with helicopters. AEW plane is still needed and it will be inlcuded to the new ships (and to the 086 as well) and it's based on the Y-7 airframe with Hawkeye type of tail and the KJ-200 type "balance beam" radar.
So the airgroup of the new carriers will be focused around J-10 as it's more suitable to carrier operations due it's smaller size. As in the USN, the J-10 will play the role of Super hornet in fighter, strike and recce platfroms. ASW is given to helicopters.
The proplems that I mentioned comes mostly form the propulsion....I first toughted a gas turbine and eletric diesels as in the CVF but then I realized how silly I would have sounded if presented it to you...Where comes the steam to the catabults?
So I've basicly tied to two options, either nuclear or conventional steam propulsuion. The proplems with nuclear plants is that they are really expensive, and for example the French weren't happy for it and the future PA2 will have non-nuclear propulsion. It's benefits are however long endurance and the "freedom" to design the ship without tieing the Island to the familiar place in the side...
So here's few questions that I would like to ask and I hope you all can give your own toughts
1. Nuclear or Conventional steam?
2. Is the placement of the Island superstructure better in the front like in the De Gaulle or in the back like in CVN-21?
3. The ship is going to be 300 meters long, about 65 000 tons displacment, should there be two or three catabults? How about elevators? and where should they be situated?
4. Which one is better solution in long term operational use, The larger airgroup due more deck park or the ability to launch and recover simulatainiously (If you can have only either one)?
Thanks for beforehand