My point is simply that I believe that the Japanese have the capacity to build the aircraft...both technologically and manufacturing wise. They may not have the desire or will due to cost and political ramification, but I believe if they were sufficentlly motivated that they could do it.They don't actually have the capability to build the aircraft they want. The F-2 is not a carrier fighter by far and the carrier F-16 project have been tanked decades ago. Furthermore, the plane requires import of vital components from the US. For the cost of developing a new carrier fighter, they might as well buy JSF VTOLs.
See above. They simply have not been put into a position where they have the will to do it...but they certainly have the capability, and have been known to bend the rules a boit when necessary. I believe the 16DDH or Hyuga is one such example. That vessel, could easily carry the JSF if necessary on it's flight deck with refitting for VTOL blast, and I believe the lifts are large enough to take them below decks. If that is so, with some refitting they could service a small wing of them on the Hyuga.Changing the Constitution would be difficult because there is a lot of opposition to this, although the topic has been brought up. Before they can even begin the Constitutional changes that would allow them to build a full carrier, they have to make the Constitutional changes that would even allow the Navy to participate in long distance missions. So far they're already gritting their teeth by the fact they cannot even go to a Somali mission. Eventually you also have to make another change in the Constitution to allow for the use of nuclear power, because eventually that's what a carrier would lead to.
Now, whether they have the motivation and the will to do such a thing economically and politically is another matter.