darth sidious said:
my friend your are think about urban battle bewten armies in witch your are perfectly correct city gives great defence bonus.if rationing is introduced where will they get the extra food ??? in country side the insurgent can ambush useing their superior knoldge of the area in cities they will be quickly suronded if they try that.if they mount a large up rising the chinese can simply burn down the whole street blok and kill those inside .in the country side they can spread their message where the autheriots are not strong . in city mass meeting will result in a police crak down
I don't understand why being in a city would put the insurgents at a disadvantage when they have a complete understanding of the environment whereas the invaders are in (as PiSigma put it) a maze. Have you even been to Taipei before? (Sorry, this is kind of ad hominem, but my point is that there are MANY potential places to hide without getting surrounded)
What's more, if the Chinese burn a whole street block down what will happen is that even MORE Taiwanese will be pissed off, which will effectively undermine righteous authority. Cracking down will only make you more enemies, because if China didn't invade Taiwan in the first place none of this would have to happen.
Also, in the countryside (I do not know if you are referring to Aboriginals or Farmers) I believe the farmers could care less who's in control as long as their lives don't change. The aboriginals on the other hand aren't exactly pleased with the government but at least they have their own representatives in the government.
Note that even the Japanese had a hard time while fighting the Aboriginals in World War 2, what makes you think that the Chinese would have a cakewalk? (Granted there are technological differences, but not so big to degate the advantages the knowledge of the terrain the the Aboriginals have. Taiwan's mountains would be a bitch to attack from the POV of an attacking force)
My point is that you simplify things too much, giving the Chinese more credit than realistically possible...