When there's some event that happens in China that spurs on pride, there's always some Chinese that don't like that. They want Chinese at the most to not have too much pride some even no pride at all. I see it happen in this forum like with China's recent semiconductor breakthrough. I look at these Hong Kong activists and see they have no pride in being Chinese. I don't blame them if that's a product of Chinese that seem to think they get to dictate how all Chinese can conduct themselves on how much pride you're allowed to have. And you wonder where the stereotype of Chinese being emotionless automatons comes from... And you wonder why some Chinese will automatically go to worshipping the West and white people as gods even when they see all Chinese as inferior to them. Where that comes from is how Chinese culture demands respecting authority is paramount in having a harmonious society. It's automatically accepting someone is always going to be your superior and you're always lesser to them.
What I've noticed when it comes to Asian children who turn on their own people and culture is because they're told mostly by their parents that they have to do this or that because it's their culture. They don't need to explain it to their children why they have to do it except that it's a part of their culture. Your parents are your authority and there's no questioning or challenging your parents... no matter what. That gets children angry. And why sometimes parents don't have to explain it? Because they don't know themselves. They're just passing along what their parents told them what to do. When you're told to not question and just obey which is what a lot Asian parents tell their children to do, it's telling them not to think about it. By reflex they're naturally going to be against everything what they're told what they have to do and where it comes from.
Think about it. You're not allowed to have pride. You're told not to think... just do. You're taught to blindly respect authority which is by the most simplistic definition is whoever is seen as being in power. Combine that together and you have what's happening in Hong Kong and others places.