I read this from an Hong Kong guy of Indian ethnic origin. I thought, WOW, how true, so I think I'll share it with you guys.
It's about what happened on the weekend 26th Oct 2019. It's a great read!
LAST NIGHT, even the protesters didn’t turn up at the protests.
The media is showing dramatic pictures of Mongkok MTR station burning but perhaps missed the bigger story.
Yesterday’s protests were supposed to be a joint demonstration of Muslims, Hindus, journalists and their supporters. But look at who failed to show.
First, we brown people didn’t join yesterday’s mayhem. Pan-dem politician Jeremy Tam last week told everyone that the police “attacked” the mosque, but we’re not dumb. We saw the video: the water was clearly aimed diagonally downwards at Mr Tam and his gang of lawbreakers. (Besides, in our countries of origin, police fire guns, not water.)
Mr Tam’s aim was to distract the media from what else was happening: other pan-dem supporters were trashing the offices of the local DAB politician in a blatantly anti-democratic act. The media fell for it like a stone.
But Hong Kong’s 300,000-strong Muslim community is too smart to be tricked like that.
Organizers added Hindus to the list of people called to the demonstration yesterday because brown people are brown people, right?
Hong Kong’s 100,000-strong Hindu community are also intelligent, non-violent people, and chose not to flock to the event.
They were busy celebrating Diwali, a beautiful festival in which love is celebrated and candles are burned – not MTR stations, thank you very much.
Who else stayed away?
Regular attendees know that most rallies are clearly split into two segments.
There are basically about 10,000 mostly nice, good-hearted people who wouldn’t hurt a fly and only turn up for the first bit before going home.
Then there are about 900-odd scarily violent thugs devoted to setting police officers and MTR stations on fire.
Well, here’s the story: The 10,000 nice people didn’t turn up! They stayed away from TST. Even my lovely huggable devoted protester friends who go to absolutely everything stayed away.
So last night it was pretty much ONLY the 900 thugs.
And boy, could you tell. With no one to hold them back, they set fire to Mongkok station, smashed up a TST branch of Starbucks, beat up a man who spoke Mandarin, used hammers to smash the head of a guy taking pictures, etc, etc.
Oh yes, and the theme of the protest was “anti-brutality”.
You can’t denounce brutality by beating up people.
You can’t ask people to stop calling you “rioters” by rioting.
You can’t call for democracy by trashing the offices of elected politicians.
You can’t ask for free speech by silencing anyone who disagrees with you.
You can’t ask for the right to govern your city by destroying it.
You can’t improve our relationship with mainland China by abusing every symbol of China.
You can’t improve ANY situation by calling in Donald Trump.
And you can’t say the police are heavy-handed while trying to burn officers alive.
It’s that simple, really.
And when ONE PERSON among the pan-dems has the courage to say any of that, Hong Kong will have a chance of getting back onto the right road.
Until then, keep the faith, brothers and sisters.