As hard as it is to stomach watching what is happening in HK right now, in many ways, the rioters are marking Beijing’s case far better than the biased western media would ever allow its message to spread in HK.
The western media can censor and spin all they want, but there is no hiding the kinds of atrocious and disgusting behaviour from ordinary HK people, who witness it with their own eyes and then see how the western MSM edit and sugar coat it on the news.
There are those who are beyond help and hope, but I believe that the silent majority are firmly and increasingly against the rioters and mobsters terrorising its streets.
At some point, people will say enough is enough and demand an end to all this madness.
I think Beijing is waiting on the upcoming elections to get a gauge of how much popular support is against the rioters, and whether HK is worth saving.
Time is on China’s side. If the majority of HKers still show support for the rioters, then Beijing will continue to do nothing, and let them enjoy their ‘freedoms’ as the rioters collectively punish these brainwashed fools.
HK has been thoroughly brainwashed, infiltrated and perverted by hostile western powers, who have made many idiots in the city their winning puppets and cat paws.
China tried to detox them gently and gradually with a 50 year transition period. But since that isn’t good enough, and they want to riot, Beijing is fine with them getting the cold turkey treatment that their rioting is putting the city through.
The aim of the rioters were never about bettering the lot of ordinary people in HK, but to provoke a hard line crack down that would have shocked and disgusted the world into joining Trump’s loosing trade war. So for the rioters leaders and foreign funders and organisers, the aim was to flood the streets of HK with the blood and brains of the idiots moronic enough to fall for their brainwashing, and have it broadcasted live to their world in ultra HD.
By not taking their bait, Beijing has trapped the rioters with their own ridiculous extremist demands and tactics, and their brainwashed foot soldiers are now running out of control as they were all supposed to be dead or in gulags by now per the original plan.
That is why there is a marked contrast in the well organised and executed protests and escalation to violence; compare to the wonton violence now.
The riot organisers did not expect such restraint from Beijing or the HK police, since similar extremist violent provocations and crimes would have been met with massed hails of live rounds in any ‘civilised’ and ‘free’ western city their masters are based in.
Now they cannot control or end the violence they fanned up, and are slowly but surely being consumed by the flames.
The tragedy is that millions of HKers, many of who are loyal patriots, are also suffering in the flames.
But in a way this is also a lesson. Society impacts us all, if the good turn a blind eye to evil forces seeking to undermine and damage society, they have no one to blame but themselves when they reap the bitter harvest their inaction have helped sow.
I find it incredible that good ordinary people did not notice the line of predictors and manipulators infiltrating their schools, churches and media etc. If they do not speak out and make a stand, who is supposed to?
It is no mistake that American soldiers swear to defend their nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
For too long HK has turned a blind eye or even openly embraced China’s domestic and foreign enemies alike. Just what did they expect to happen?