Notion of freedom shall not supersede the notion of Patriotism and love for the motherland. Responsibility goes hand in hand with Freedom. A responsibility towards History, Geopolitics, aspirations of the people - present and the future.You guys are just making up a narrative to suit your agenda. Yue Fei was betrayed - period, not by some western government but by his own compatriots. Where was the conscience of 盡忠報國 with those chinese court officials who betrayed him? The notion of freedom is not a western concept but a value treasured by every human being regardless of ethnicity.
If Freedom,Democracy,Human Rights etc are pushed in "bad faith" by foreign establishments and IF pursuing these supposedly noble ideals cause great disruption and harm to the Nation and the aspirations of the people THEN these noble values must be shelved for later or stricken down promptly.
That is exactly why Mao Ze Dong - who is often credited for the blunders of the Cultural Revolution - adorns the Gate of Heavenly Peace as a huge portrait. He unified the country, roped in various provinces using overwhelming force of the military and directed wars of Geopolitical significance. He is called the father of China for a reason. If prosperity was the only measuring tape to be used then Deng Xiaoping would have adorned it.
If Freedom and Democracy is to be pursued then Tibet, Xinjiang and other provinces all would break away ( since they'd want a free country too). Infighting between various ethnicity would take place, Nativity movement shall take force and Balkanization of China would happen.
Freedom is NOT a western concept neither is Human Rights. But both these shall not prevail over the aspirations of a nation and people seeking glory,prominence on the world stage.
How about a Free and Democratic China, Unified and united from Xinjiang to the Taiwan, the most populous and the most powerful nation on the planet ; with overwhelming powers in Military, Commerce and Technology ? Sounds Interesting ? I'd support that. But hey, some people want China to crash and burn. Some ideas, even if very noble, are pushed in bad faith. Some ideas need not be pursued. Some fruits are deemed forbidden.