The Build - Hull Construction and Flight Deck Decals - July 14, 2013
Ok, now I am getting to a really nice place with this build. Where it all starts coming together and looking like the 1/350 scale model of the Invincible Class aircraft carrier it is. Before I moved on to the actual hull however, I had to add a few decals to the haner deck and a few more details. This consisted mainly of the decals for the one elevator that I am showing lowered, a few more fire station and hanger details I wanted to add before closing it up, and the davits and ship's boats to be added into the small auxillary decks shown along the outside of the hanger deck on either side, including the "roofs" for each of those decks. All of these are important because they must line up properly with the hull sides when they ar glued together.
Then it was on to actually attaching the completed hanger deck assmbly to the upper hull. The Airfix model has the upper hull in two halves, one for each side for the entire length of the hull. It was a little more difficult than anticpated to line these parts up and attach them to the hanger deck along its length. Some adjustments in the roofs and sides of the auxillary decks weree necessary. In addition, the fit was not as tight (these long hull parts tend to not hold their shape too well in terms of the curvature), so utilizing clamps, rubber bands, and just holding them in place by hand until the initial bond was acheived were all necessary. In addition, I had to glue some stiffiners and other attachment pieces in place on the inside ot the vessel along these hull joint and attachment areas to ensure a good bond for the long term.
At this point, while that was drying, I took the time to add all of the parts to the lower hull. The shafts, the rudders, the sonar-dome, the supports and stabilizors. They all turned out pretty good and in my next build I will paint the lower hull, the warter line mark, and add this to the upper
Once the upper hull assembly had all dried in their proper places, it was then time to add the aft section of the hull across the aft space between the port and starboard upper the fantail. This piece was difficult to fit properly. It too required clamps, holding in place, and stiffiners. In addition, once it dried, use of the Dremmel tool was required to get a satifcatory fit and seam lines.
Finally, it was time to glue the actual flight deck in place. Again, this was a more difficult task than antipated. Because of some of the cuuravature issues with the upper huill halves, the fit was not as tight or exact as desired. Once again, a lot of clamping, rubber bands, holding things in place, and then use of files and the dremmel tool wee required to get things to fit as desired. Even then, towardss the ski-jump, putty will be required to fill some seams.
Finally, once that was all dried, I had a completed main upper hull with the hanger deck and the flight deck. I will still have to place a lot of gangways, sponsons, and other details along the hull on either side, inluding the main launches and the crain, but the principle part is complete. So, it was time to place the decals on the flight deck. I had been looking forward to this because Airfix supplies such a rich decal set for the Illustrious flight deck. There are a LOT of decals, providing a very accurate representation of the flight deck markings. Upwards of sixty or more decals are required to get all of the take-off, landing positions, parking positions, and other markings in place. I took it in three parts. The bow area, the middle section, and the aft section. In order to let them dry properly and then move on to the next section, it was literally an all day affair, and into the night...actually until about midnight.
That is looking pretty good. Since the Island is already complete, I decided to do a dry fit of the island on the deck, and I have to say, it's starting to all come together. Also did several tests of the lighting system throughout this entire period, and it is working like a charm.
In my next installment, I hope to get the lower hull painted, the water line mark painted, and the lower hull added to the upperhull. I will also build the stand and run the lighting wire down into it and place the switch there with the battery. Also hope to add the various walk ways around the flight deck and the equipment, and then glue the island in place.