Please remove my image IMMEDIATLEY or I will procced with legal action against you!!!
You do not have my permission to use my images, nor did you ask to use it. Therefore you are within breach of my Copyright!
Alternativley if you wish to purchase the image I am more than happy to send you an invoice for the image plus an unathorised usage fee!
Thank you
Dave Cullen
When you see a photo that is yours here on SD, please contact any of us Moderators.
We need to know which photo...please link it for us.
Most of our members would never think of breaching a copyright. In most cases it is wholly innocent as photos are regularly used around the net and posted where someone has removed the Copyright and then seen by many others and used without knowing. I know it has happened to me, both in using photos and having my own used.
In all cases, as soon as we find the photo, and can see that indeed it is a copyrighted photo, we remove it immediately with our apologies. We also work with our members and ask them to be careful. Sometimes, with the photos propagating around the web with he notices and Copyright marks removed, it is very difficult to prevent. But we most certainly can fix it and remove them. So when we find out about it, we simply remove them.
Sorry that this happened on one of my threads.
Thanks for you patience.
Jeff Head
SinoDefence Forum
Super Moderator