Re: Happy New Year!!!!!
Well I must confess that I am a sceptic about much of the Global Warming Hype around these days. Not that I doubt that the climate is getting warmer, is certianly is, but about the guilt politics and Green "Industry" that seems to have bolted itslf onto the issue and made it its own.
As Golly says, it does frighten people and today the Politics of fear are definitly in fashion.
The trouble is, if you say Global Warming is a purely natural event and is going to happen irrespective, than nobody is going to spend mega bucks in order to find out about it.
If however, Scientists and Politicans can tell us that its all our fault and that only they (Suitably financed) can save us from our own folly, than the funds start to roll.
I would remind you that we are just emerging form a relatively cool phase from the last 800 years and that todays tempretures are probably less than those of a 1000 years ago (Norse dicoveries of Greenland and Vinland) and certainly still less warm than in the European Bronze Age of the 2nd and 3rd Millennia BC.