following from the LCA official facebook page
Ashish Vikas Tejas - LCA just to be precise, this financial year means March-2016 ? And total 3 SPs will be be produced in this financial year (Apr-2015 to march-2016) ? OR just 2 as SP1 was already produced ?
Plan is to have SP2 first flight before march 16. The next financial year might see 3 or 4 SPs ready for flying.
Indranil Roy What are the multi-rack solutions that you guys are looking at? Multiple A2A missiles or SDBs on the mid-board and underbelly station seem lucrative, don't they?
yes, they are. The Derby and python can be carried simultaneously both in MB and IB. As of onw, underbelly pylons are for carrying a 725 ltr drop tank. The pylons for tandem bombs in the IB are in final stage for integration.
Sanjeev Ramachandran Sir, can you please tell us if any Unguided/Guided Rockets/Missiles (air to ground) have been integrated or planned to be integrated and tested with LCA Tejas
As of now 1000lbs mk11, LGBs and PB500 have been successfully flight tested as air to ground weapons. The first one is non guided whereas the last two are guided.