Re: H-6 bomber thread
reports of first flight of H-6K on January 5th. There is actually report of another successful first flight for XAC. Not sure if this is the one for H-6K or the other one.
apparently, this one says 20000 XAC employee waited 13 years for this moment and the first flight is successful. It's hard to comprehend that 13 years is required to modify H-6 to use new engines and such. Maybe there is another bomber coming out?
the other report of a new plane making maiden flight, this one could also be on H-6K. This happened on December 16th.
9 时54分,飞机渐渐地由远及近,低空通场飞行,在飞越机场上空时,突然射出一组信号弹。红色的信号弹划出一道道白色的烟雾,在蓝色天空的映衬下,显得格外耀眼。观礼台上,西飞集团公司总裁高大成和中国一航产品部有关领导,以及现场所有的人们为飞机精彩的表演发出热烈的掌声。
yeah, compared to previous H-6, the shape of the intake does seem to have changed, it looks like it got stretched a little vertically and compressed a little horizontally. Also, it's nice to see that chin radar getting removed and housed in the nose instead. Also, it seems to be that the missiles looks the most like YJ-62 (maybe an air-launched type?). 6x1350 = 8.1 tonne of payload on the wings.
also, the changing of engine on H-6 was discussed in 2005 on this thread, so I got some figures here.
WS-9 - Spey
最大加力推力:9126daN(不接通附面层控制放气) thrust with afterburner
最大推力:5449-5583daN(不接通附面层控制放气) maximum dry thrust
中间推力:4993daN(不接通附面层控制放气) Medium thrust
最大连续推力:4602daN(不接通附面层控制放气) Maximum continuous thrust
最大加力状态蚝油率:2.04kg/daN·h fuel consumption under maximum thrust with afterburner
最大状态蚝油率:0.693kg/daN·h fuel consumption using dry thrust
推重比:5.05 - TW ratio
进气流量:89.4-96.2kg/s air flow rate
总增压比:20 total pressure ratio
涵道比:0.62 bypass ratio
涡轮前温度:1167℃ turbine temperature
直径:1093mm diamter
长:(喷口全开)5205mm length with vent fully opened
(喷口开度最小)5061mm minimum length with vent open the smallest.
质量:1842kg weight
最大推力:9316daN 对应蚝油率:0.988kg/daN·h maximum thrust and fuel consumption rate
额定推力:7502daN 对应蚝油率:0.927kg/daN·h rated thrust and fuel consumption rate
非常状态推力:10297daN emergency thrust?
推重比:2.94 TW ratio
进气流量:162kg/s air flow rate
总增压比:6.4 total pressure ratio
涡前温度:810℃ turbine temperature
最大直径:1400mm diameter
长:5318mm length
质量:3230kg weight
D-30ky(IL-62m engine):(IL-76 uses D-30KP,not much change other than lift off thrust increased 11770daN)
起飞推力:10790daN 对应蚝油率:0.50kg/daN·h liftoff thrust, fuel consumption rate
巡航推力(11km高度):2700daN 对应蚝油率:0.71kg/daN·h cruise thrust at 11km height and fuel consumption rate
推重比:4.75 TW ratio
进气流量:269kg/s air flow rate
涵道比:2.42 bypass ratio
总增压比:20 total pressure ratio
涡前温度:1122℃ turbine temperature
长:5700mm(带反推力装置) length
直径:1455-1560mm diameter
质量:2668kg(带反推力装置) weight (including anti-thrust gear?)
2318kg(不带反推力装置)weight (not including anti-thrust gear?)
The bench testing of Burlak D-30KP engine revealed its thrust performance in full conformance with the specifications announced: 13 tonnes at ambient temperatures up to + 30 degrees C - same as its test-bench specific fuel consumption at full throttle. After fine-tuning, its performance boosted to capacity, the engine "is virtually ready to go into production".
"We have obtained a result that is better than promising; for a fine-tuned engine, it is an excellent result, pure and simple, matching the performance predicted," says Alexander Elkes, chief designer of Burlak D-30KP engine. "The next phase in the programme should see the entire testing cycle completed, requiring 10 engines to be produced. This year, NPO Saturn's plans provide for two engines to be assembled, one of these to be used for emission tests, with TsIAM expected to be involved in them.”
The commercial department having requested that Burlak D-30KP engines be put into service on the IL-76 family aircraft ASAP, contracts are being drawn up to buy an IL-76TD aeroplane, to be reengineered as a flying laboratory, with contracts being drafted in parallel to design and manufacture an engine nacelle, for the engine to be supplied to the customer packaged with it, in line with international practices for the supply of aircraft engines.
Burlak D-30KP is a sound commercial project. "In terms of value for money, this engine is a hands-down winner," the developers say confidently. As of today, NPO Saturn has invested 150+ mln of its own money into the engine development effort, but for the programme to be completed ahead of time, the state's assistance is of the essence.
The engine will be installed on the Il-76 aircraft in operation in Russia and Air Forces of the countries outside the CIS. Once the aircraft has received a souped-up powerplant, its performance will be boosted across the board, to meet the modern-day requirements, viz.:
- fuel efficiency will go up 11% when cruising;
- the aircraft operation geography will be expanded (thrust increased up to 13000 kg sec, and sustained up to a temperature of +30 degrees C);
- the environmental performance will meet long-range ICAO targets);
- the aircraft’s flight-performance will improve.
OAO Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoye Ob"yedineniye Saturn is a leading engine-building corporation specializing in developing, manufacturing and servicing gas-turbine engines for military and civil aviation, Naval ships, energy-generating and gas-pumping installations.