I found CBO's 2006
for USAF's then future bomber program a useful starting point for thinking about the benefits and trade-offs of supersonic vs. subsonic performance profiles for bomber aircraft.
I recall running into this report years ago. Great to see it unearthed again!
Best to be cautious with some of the numbers and projections, but the report does make for good food for thought on what options are in play.
The Soviets were more innovative than the Americans in many aspects of submarine design. Not real clear that it was to their benefit in the end.
Towards the final days of the USSR, Tupolev was pushing some very ambitious programs, including at least one SSTO bomber project.
Considering what's visible from China's unclassified programs, there's no way the Chinese aren't toying with similar concepts on the classified side.
FOBS are full orbits. It just means they choose when to deorbit and hit the target.
IIRC, the Soviets tested a FOBS based on the SS-18 ICBM or its predecessor at some point in the 1960s, but it was not deemed a violation of the Outer Space Treaty because the system
did not make a full orbit around the earth.
Such weapons are banned under treaty to limit the wesponisation of space. Otherwise nuclear powers would just park a dozen warheads in orbit and land them with almost no warning.
The Outer Space Treaty prohibits the deployment of nuclear weapons in orbit,
it does not prohibit the deployment of non-nuclear munitions.
Moreover, considering the current condition of global affairs, the Space Treaty may very well go the way of the ABM and INF treaties.
There's no reason to do it for a plane as as previously said, just build BMs at that point.
Please allow me to borrow three words from the DoD:
Prompt Global Strike.