H-20 bomber (with H-X, JH-XX)


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Guys, I’m watching a livestream by Yankee and Shilao right now, the topic is about 076 but they mentioned the new aircraft by Xi’an, and they both hinted that it’s going to be a new AWACS plane.
Sounds like the KJ-3000 reveal is imminent.

Edit: Wow, I didn't expect that "imminent" meant less than half-an-hour.
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Sorry to bother but i could not grasp any meaning of that , like westernization pioneer Jang zhidong or ordinary white skinned people are sour chickens, or Internet all night are more beautiful these days, by which i think they are getting better internet speed at night?
Does any of this has anything to do with H20? I am more of a english version watcher of PLA development so anyone might be kind enough to enlighten me? Thank you.