In an all out war against a peer competitor, there would be significant pressure on datalinks, so any long range control over any unmanned system be it missiles or UAVs will be vulnerable to kill chain disruption. H-20 would be hunted down once it fires, unmanned platforms may not be reliably controlled at long range. This system would allow for firing of ordnances at much closer range, thus significantly simplifying the kill chain, and still be survivable.
Given that it would only be used against very high value targets, e.g. CBGs, large aircraft strike groups, command centers, etc. it could even use expensive Kamikaze UAVs to augment the kill chain. An UAV with similar speed, RCS, carries a powerful radar/IR sensor to guide the ordnance until their own active homing systems can takeover, for example. It would not be expected to survive the attack, though it can be made with enough fuel to return to base at a slower speed so peace time training wouldn't be so wasteful.
The rationale for a notional JH-XX exists, but as always it becomes a matter of opportunity cost.
In past years, the discussion about whether a JH-XX makes sense for the PLA to pursue essentially always boils down to whether developing and procuring JH-XX fulfills a specific mission that their other confirmed/anticipated projects cannot already do.
For the relevant stealthy confirmed/anticipated aerospace projects, we can include:
- J-20 family (J-20, J-20A, J-20B), confirmed
- H-20, confirmed
- Carrier based J-XY/35, confirmed
- Manned 6th gen fighter (likely to have longer range/endurance and payload than J-20), anticipated
- A variety of stealthy strike and A2A UCAVs, anticipated
(Then there are other non-stealthy aircraft and long range missiles already in service, which while the are far less survivable than stealthy types, they would still likely play a role in augmenting fires, like H-6K/J/N family, J-16 family, DF-21D and DF-26, and other emerging long range strike systems like DF-27, new ALCMs and so on. They aren't as directly relevant, but in terms of long range theater strike capabilities they do have a role to play)
The question thus becomes whether the PLA's money and the PRC's aerospace resources would be better spent to increase production and procurement of those already confirmed/anticipated projects, or to pursue development of a new JH-XX type, and how vital the niche is that the JH-XX would be expected to fill. After all if it is too specific and too niche, then it might be better off just to buy more of the existing aircraft types and develop munitions to fill the task.
What I describe above, is the same kind of impasse for the "will they procure JH-XX or not" question that we've been at since about 2018. Amusingly, not much has changed in this regard.