Well perhaps I've ignored this thread for some time and missed the depth of developments but I've seen absolutely nothing to suggest what both of you are saying - 0.000000001% probability of LRIP by end of 2023. I don't understand the sensitivity over such a trivial thing since I've already explained that there is a history of prototypes and tests being performed and completed outside of public view and even CCP hinting. So why exactly is H-20 development having been hidden so unfathomable? Again I'm saying it's between very low chance and a coin toss. A coin toss is significant.
Probably we both have a 100% different perception of PLA watching, which IMO is always the weighting of probabilities and credibility of sources and NO, at least by my understanding there no "history of prototypes and tests being performed and completed outside of public view", at least not to such a scale like a stealth bomber. As such it is again IMO not that the H-20's "development having been hidden so unfathomable", it simply is indeed top-secret and hasn't progressed to a point of a finished prototype.
In consequence again for the "weighting of probabilities and credibility of sources": What is more likely, that it is simply a top secret project that so far has not reached a status of a finished prototype and as such all these hypes rumours especially a service entry 2023 is impossible since these rumours are unreliable or that there is indeed a secret facility that has a prototype done since years, this one is flying since years and available in numbers so it could enter service in 2023?
I feel I've stepped on some nerves without the intention of doing so and will leave this at that. These are just opinions on a rumour. No need to get angry since I haven't delivered it with arrogance and have mentioned plenty of concessions.
I get you two have your reputations to uphold and part of that is to err on the side of being conservative with these sorts of things. But just the one thing worth noting with this. The CCP has never hyped up a not even ready prototype for years before the prototype is even unveiled. It's so contrary to the norm.
And no, I have no fear to uphold any reputation nor do I fear of loosing one, but I have probably indeed some sort of allergic reaction to un-credible rumours, the hype around fan-boy theories and stupid discussions on semantics as if a chance of 0.00000001% would leave any chance to see an operational H-20 soon.