"THE NEXT" is a reference to the "teaser" of the aircraft under the tarp from a year ago that was widely accepted as a reference to H-20 which included those same words.
The AVIC weibo post is likely a reference to that teaser, in the context of the aircraft that will be attending the parade.
I interpret it as a vague wink/nudge to H-20 as being "on the horizon".
I.e.: basically generating hype for H-20 at low cost while revealing nothing.
I would also like to remind members to please try to post the original links to various posts (whether they be weibo, wechat, or from Chinese language forums) if you have them.
This is especially necessary for Chinese language posts, where it is useful to have access to the original Chinese language text rather than the machine translations only.
It is good etiquette and makes the translation and analysis of the post easier.