Gollevainen's quizz of the week (older)

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VIP Professional
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Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

yeps. A Capitan Romani class ligth cruiser/super destroyer dating just prior to WWII...only few ships of this Italian innovation was completed and they served in post war Italian and French navies respectevly

Scratch's turn then...


Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

IT`s a Blackburn Buccaneer

Correct answer. British low level strike aircraft in RN and RAF service. Served in the '91 Gulf War to designate targets for britisch LGBs.
Maiden flight '58, introduced '62, retired ' 93.

Your turn, Skorzeny


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

Sorry that I have to correct myself. After enlarging the pic, I found it was a rock that the ship is riding on and besides a huge hole on the hull, nothing else is special about it. It is probably just a coastal patrol ship.


Junior Member
Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

Well i thought the hydofoil comment was an attempt on a joke...
Its not a coastal patrol ship. It should not be impossible to identify it

The black thing is not a hole, its me removing the ship number :)


VIP Professional
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Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

ignorant people! you should pay respect for the mine countermeassure forces, the forgotten soldiers that never get the attention they deserve, but without them, Even the migthy USN would be beaten by third world rogue states with enough deck space to lay at least 100 mine strong field

But its a Federal German navy Frankenthal (klasse 332) class MCM....but wich one?? A lucky guess would be a Rottweil, becouse until this 1st of May, we had a rottweiler that was a good dog, lived a good life of 10 whole years and few odd day. She had a temperament that would have propaply coused same consequences if she would have been let charge of that vessel:D :D


Junior Member
Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

The ship is as you said of the Type 332 Frankenthal class. This ship is the M1064 Grömitz, a capable minehunter, but not that good at navigating norwegian fjords :D
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