There's is a big movement in the senate, that's to designated Wuhan as place of origin of the virus and China government cover up. According to some senators, that's that "day of reckoning" post virus, to make China to pay financially for this. The entire US treasury by China will be wiped out. This is the grand scheme US senators are cooking up currently. As the body counts in US keep rising and economy destroyed, that hatred will increased further. Pretty naive to think just because China sent some medical supplies now, that US won't make China pay later on. I could guarantee US will go that route in some form post virus period .
Prosecution of Huawei will continue even if there's pause here and there until China shore up all its weakness.
As long as US perceive China has a weakness, it will keep hammering on it. Depending on US good will is asking for troubles.
The biggest blunder made in recent times was China helping out US 2009 financial crisis by propping up the world economy by spent huge amount on to stimulate the economy and ever since became hugely indebted and purchased more US treasury. As soon as US recovered, it began its campaign against China.
Time after time, China tried to become a good guy and only afterward realized its effort was counterproductive. It should kick its enemy to the curb while its down.
Going back EUV lithography, China still yet to promote it like they promote AI which they made curriculum in college and even highschool level. They think AI will enable to surpass US. "Catchup and pass by through the curve" the famous phase they used. But they don't realize their foundation is very shaky. AI is built upon and relied upon the underlying technology. That's what US targeting.
Still waiting for that moment.