It's unlikely the ventilation system inside the well deck is going to be able to handle multiple launches of a DH-10 system (or possibly even a single launch), even if the ramp is open. I also doubt the deck surfacing has been toughened to withstand the high temperatures involved.
Not really a problem. Blast deflectors could be temporarily added fairly quickly, easily and cheaply, and removed just as easily to allow the ship to resume normal operations.
As for ventilation. Simply leaving a LCAC in the back of the hold and switching on its engines would be more than enough to blast any harmful gasses out the open hatch in quick order.
This is a more likely scenario, since they can point the exhaust over the edge of the flight deck and ventilation is not a problem.
Indeed, but replenishing the missiles might be a problem since the 071 does not have carrier style lifts.
Stability is probably a far more important issue for SAM's and their radars than it is for SSM's, and especially for land-based SAM's like the S-300. For example, I doubt the S-300's tracking radar is programmed to take into account the pitch and roll of the LCAC that PLAN naval radars are designed to compensate for, making it harder if not impossible for the S-300 radar to track targets at sea. Given that the LCAC is a much smaller vessel than the 071, the pitching and rolling will be much more pronounced, adding even more to the problem.
Not really an insurmountable obstacle. You might have to navalise the radar, but that is only a modest upgrade and will within the abilities of many nations.
If you are willing to use the concept as part of a larger defense strategy, there is no reason why a radar needs to be put to sea at all. Its hardly unheard of these days to have buddy targeting. A bit of tweaking and you could potentially have AWACS, fighters and other ships sending targeting info to a forward deployed force of LCACs carrying S300 launchers.
The element of surprise could have a huge impact as fighter formations would not realize they have wondered into a SAM's optimum engagement zone until their MAWS pick up the missiles, by which point its probably too late against something like the S300 and HQ9.
Depending on the range of the LCAC, this might become an effective way of providing mobile air defense to 022 FAC formations without having to use large warships or air cover, which could easily give away the position of the 022s and defeat their main advantage.
The PLAN is probably moving beyond the need for such systems with the introduction of the 054A, and the rumored new batch of 052C+s being built as well as the varyag and up coming indigenous carriers.
But such a combo may make for a very tempting buy for many navies facing superior foes.
The Pakistani navy would be a top possibility, as well as possibly Iran (if UN sanctions are every lifted) etc.