SampanViking said:Irrespective I can see two roles for such Amphib/Small Cariers:
i) Anti Piracy operations in the South China Seas, Straits of Malaccha and the Indian Ocean and African Coast (Niger Delta region).
ii) The other - perhasp as an extension of the first would be more participation in International Peacekeeping. I know i have talked about both of these before, but as China gets richer (probably 4th biggest economy today, maybe 3rd by the end of the year and 2nd in ten years time, if current rates persist) it will come under greater pressure to pick up its share of the cost and responsibility for these duties.
Ok, I get what you mean. Here is what I think.
1. Anti-piracy operations is great priorty in many countries, but also a lot of tension create from it. Especially in the south China Seas, many countries tried to limit other nations from patrol near their sea line. I know US and many countries have join together to anti-piracy operations, but indosnisa and malaysia aren't happy the way things go. I have some doubt what China willing to deploy to anticipate this kind of missions, or much less cooperation between US. It might look as a big bully and a small bully come together to kick little countries butt. There are a lot of disputes area, so every one should be careful. If China ever participate into this kind of missions, they would probaly send something less threating.
2. China definite will begin more active in peacekeeping, but you have to remember Chinese policy of not interfere with other countries internal affair since Deng. Even China will do more, doesn't mean they will be taking charge or doing in big numbers. I would whether think China will getting involve with more missions, but not in lead, numbers and some countries. I don't think China needs to send DDG or something more powerful to acheive these kind of missions.
3. Humanitarian assistance will be great way to use amphip, but if China amphip or warships show up in indonesia. They would not be welcome like US did in Tsunami, many south east Asia countries still do not trust China. Also China are content with sending Doctors, aids and equipments now, maybe later China could do more.
My assetment of future PLAN developments are Amphip will not be priorty, but carriers like Varyag would be more likely.