If the US has forcibly occupied Malaysian or Indonesia islands, it is effectively an act of war against these countries.
And we're literally talking about a handful of islands with little infrastructure.
Is there really a mission for a JH-XX here?
Yes definitely. Setting up distributed fire bases with IRBMs/HGVs and distributed small air bases with which they can operate F-35s from most definitely are viable and important targets to be capable of striking.
And I also see the South China Seas SLOCs as being secondary to the Taiwan theatre.
In the event of a war, China will have to accept that most of its trade is going to be lost, which is really going to hurt.
But China is big enough and self-sufficient enough to continue.
There was a RAND study 5 years ago which looked at how much the Chinese and US economies would be damaged in a notional war. Yes, China would be hurt more than the US, but China still ended up with a larger economy overall. Since then, both economic and military developments have continued to shift significantly in favour of China.
If Taiwan is run as a larger version of Hong Kong, where people can leave if they want to, what purpose would an extended war serve anyone?
In that case I think we have differing views for the long term requirements that China has for the PLA.
The way I see it, any Taiwan contingency will be composed of two complementary, simultaneous missions and requirements:
1. The Taiwan "invasion" proper, including all of the operations needed to gain air superiority, sea control, SEAD/DEAD, amphibious assault, ground operations around Taiwan island proper and on the island itself.
2. The "deterrence" mission, which requires a massive multipronged air-naval-missile force capable of surrounding the region around Taiwan so as to preemptively meet and track any movement of aircraft and ships from outside nations that may either seek to directly intervene on behalf of Taiwan or to use military force to undermine the Chinese war effort (including blockades of SLOCs and so on). That is to say, there is a requirement to not only be capable of outright defeating a highly capable outside hostile force on even terms, but also to be capable of significantly undermining or crippling an enemy's ability to conduct a blockade at least in the overall western pacific region (that includes the SCS).
Perhaps my view of these requirements are a bit more ambitious than yours, which is why I view the proposed mission of the JH-XX in the way that I do.
All of this is growing outside the scope of the thread, therefore if you continue this further then I will move the relevant posts in a different thread.
If not, well I have said my part.